Milton Hershey Social Studies Review
Childhood In 1857 Milton Hersey was born in Pennsylvania He grew up on a farm His family moved a lot In 1967 his parents separated, he stayed with his mother In 1870 he stopped going to school at the age of 12 years old
Career His 1 st job was as a printer After that, he worked at Royer’s Ice Cream Parlor and Garden in Lancaster, Pennsylvania He started experimenting with different ingredients After 4 years, at the age of 19, he opened his own candy store in Philadelphia He made taffy and sugar candy; Chocolate was too expensive In 1882 he had to close his candy store He then worked in a gold mine The gold was running out, so he went back to a candy store and learned about Caramel
About his candy career In 1884, he opened a new candy store in New York City In 1893, he went to the World Fair in Chicago and was introduced to Chocolate In 1886, his store closed and he moved back to Pennsylvania He started a small caramel factory in Lancaster. The Lancaster Caramel Company In 1900, he sold Lancaster Caramel Company for $1 million dollars
His life in Pennsylvania In 1898 he married Catherine (Kitty) Sweeney In 1903 he made a chocolate factory near his birth place in Pennsylvania Milton Hershey made Hershey town for all of his factory workers to live His town included a bank, a zoo, schools, a park and a trolley car line Milton named all the streets with names related to chocolate In 1909, he started the Hersey Industrial School for Orphan boys He died in Hershey, Pennsylvania
About Hershey Candy Hershey Kisses were first called Sweethearts Hershey bar was the first Hershey candy to be made The sugar came from Hershey, Cuba He gave candy to troops that went over to England to fight in World War I for him The company of Hershey still made candy such as Reese's peanut butter cups, and NutRageous, and Twizzlers after he died
Pictures and a map of Hershey
The picture is showing a measure ment place at Hershey Park
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