RESEARCH PROPOSAL CARM 5200 RESEARCH DESIGN STEPHANIE EDGHILL Effectiveness of Anti-bullying Programs in schools
Bullying in Schools Prevalence of bullying One in four children in the U.S. are bullied everyday About 30% of children in the U.S. are involved in bullying whether as victim, the bully or both Cyber bullying About 80% of High School students have encountered being bullied online. Verbal bullying 77% of all students 14% of these students have a severe reaction to the abuse In 85% of bullying cases there is no intervention Risk factors of bullying Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. Drop in grades Suicide
Anti-bullying/conflict management programs in schools Collaboration between students, parents and teachers K-12 programs Programs help the bully and the victim Education on what bullying is Bullying and the law Instances of the effects of bullying on students Inspires students to stand up for themselves and others Give students confidence in reporting bulling
Literature Review Hazelden Foundation Offers Intense training Violence Prevention Program OBPP Utterly Global Offers research and programs on anti-bullying
Research Proposal Longtitudinal study Looking at Middle School/High School aged children to see prevalence of bullying and if anti-bullying programs help? Methods Surveys, response questions hearing whether or not conflict management programs are helping students Individual interviews with students, parents and staff throughout the year on their progress Group sessions Compare stats before and after institution of the program