Thanksgiving day
Here is the short story of Thanksgiving Day… In the United States, Thanksgiving day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November as the unofficial beginning of winter. Here is the short story of Thanksgiving Day…
In September 1620, 102 people leave England on a ship called the Mayflower: These people are the Pilgrims.
In December 1620, the Mayflower lands at Plymouth Rock in America.
The winter is very hard and 46 Pilgrims die.
The Pilgrims work hard together with the Indians.
The autumn harvest in 1621 is very good.
In October 1621, the Pilgrims have a feast to give thanks to God for the harvest. The Indians celebrate with them.
In 1863, Abraham Lincoln says, „The last Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day”.
In 1941, the American Congress says that Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday.
Today people celebrate Thanksgiving with their families Today people celebrate Thanksgiving with their families. They eat turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. A lot of people watch a game of football.