Overview of Improved Seed Production in Tanzania Firmin Mizambwa Agricultural Seed Agency (ASA) P O Box 364, Morogoro Email: asa@asa.or.tz
OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION Introduction: Tanzanian Seed industry development Section I: Current status of seed production Section II: Strategies to develop vibrant seed industry Summary: Take away message(s)
INTRODUCTION Source: Computed from FAOSTAT data
SEED INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT In 1969, USAID carried out studies to enable Tanzania to establish a formal seed sector that would include breeding, multiplication, processing, certification and distribution of seeds. As a results of the above study, the formal seed sub-sector in Tanzania was established in 1973 during which the following were established: The seed Act No. 29 of 1973 was enacted; Tanzania Seed Company Limited (TANSEED) was formed; Tanzania Official Seed Certification Agency -TOSCA was established to regulate quality of seeds; Four Government foundation Seed farms established (Kilangali, Arusha, Msimba and Dabaga); Human resources capacity building was undertaken through training.
Seed industry development…. In 1989, the Government launched the National Seed Industry Development Programme which was in line with the World Economic Reform agenda which emphasized moving from State controlled economy to free market economy. Private seed companies were allowed to operate in the country.
Seed industry development…. During its operations, TANSEED faced problems resulting in decline of sales, huge financial losses, and consequently its collapse. The problems include: Unavailability of preferred varieties, Low adoption rate of new and improved certified seeds by farmers, Poor reputation due to delivery of poor quality seeds, Inadequate marketing promotion, Lack of managerial skills.
Seed industry development…. In an attempt to cover the shortage created by the demise of TANSEED, The Government with the support of DANIDA established on farm seed production (QDS) in 1998. Despite of all the efforts, still the demand of the improved seeds in Tanzania was not met.
GOVERNMENT EFFORTS TO INCREASE AVAILABILITY OF IMPROVED SEEDS Establishment of Agricultural Seed Agency (ASA) in June 2006 Key functions of ASA To produce, process and market both basic and certified seeds, To promote private sector participation in seed production, To promote the use of improved seeds, To strengthen collaboration with research institutes on matters related to availability of new crop varieties.
The Seed Multiplication Process Often a new variety is only one single plant. Therefore once a new variety has been bred, efforts need to be undertaken that the farmers can quickly make use of this variety for commercial food production. This will be achieved through a seed multiplication process over a number of generations to receive the desired variety in large quantities.
Seed Multiplication Breeders Seed Pre-basic Seed Basic Seed Certified Seed (1st Generation) Certified Seed 2nd Generation)
The Seed Multiplication Process During the seed multiplication process it needs to be assured after each multiplication step, that the identity and the purity of that variety is kept and that the multiplied seed has the potential to produce a healthy plant. This is assured through a seed certification programme.
SEED PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS Using ASA/private companies farms Using contract growers
Available SEEDS Private Seed companies ASA Maize (mainly hybrid), vegetable seeds and small quantities of Sunflower, sorghum, and rice Maize, rice, sorghum, beans, sunflower, wheat, cowpeas, pigeon peas, soya beans, sesame, fruit seedlings and cassava cuttings
SEED DEMAND VS SEED SUPPLY IN TANZANIA Potential demand is over 120,000 MT per year Effective demand is estimated at 60,000 MT per year But average supply is only 14,8876 MT Per year
Certified Seeds availability Crop Season Quantity of seeds (MT) 2003/04 10,650 2004/05 10,134 2005/06 10,476 2006/07 16,526 2007/08 16,811 2008/09 11,429 2009/10 16,518 2010/11 26,544 Average 14,8876
MAIN CHALLENGES FACING THE SEED INDUSTRY Production challenges Low investment in seed production Dependence on importation of seeds (dependence of foreign companies) Difficulties to access loan for the local seed companies Dependence of rainfed agriculture in seed production
Marketing & sales challenges Main challenges…. Marketing & sales challenges Distribution networks Fake seeds Low levels of use of improved seeds by farmers
Policy related challenges Main challenges… Policy related challenges Influence of outside policies (Donor policies, EAC & SADC policies) Our local policies
Strategies to develop vibrant seed industry Production strategies To provide adequate investment in the seed industry Promote local seed production To Promote local seed sector To invest in irrigated agriculture
Strategies to develop…. Marketing & sales strategies To develop sustainable & reliable seed distribution networks To strengthening the enforcement of the seed Act on fake seeds To develop a clear plans of promoting the se of improved seeds
Strategies to develop…. Policy related issues To consistently consider and align outside policies towards developing vibrant seed industry Review policies for promote investment in the seed industry
SUMMARY/TAKE HOME MESSAGE(S) There is very huge potential for Tanzania to develop vibrant and sustainable seed industry; and therefore Deliberate efforts are required to promote investment in the seed industry to produce enough seeds for local and foreign markets; Joint efforts between public and private sectors are required to promote the use of improved seeds.
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