U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)


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Presentation transcript:

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Leveraging DoD Technologies to Train and Educate the Force at the Point of Need COL Charles Harris TRADOC G-6 (757)501-6551 DSN 501 charles.e.harris38.mil@mail.mil 11 JUL 12 UNCLASSIFIED TechNet 2012 Land Forces - South

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Backup Slides UNCLASSIFIED

Mission Scope and Scale Vision UNCLASSIFIED Mission Training and Doctrine Command develops, educates and trains Soldiers, civilians, and leaders; supports unit training; and designs, builds and integrates a versatile mix of capabilities, formations, and equipment to strengthen the U.S. Army as America’s Force of Decisive Action. Scope and Scale TRADOC has 25,000 Soldiers and 11,000 civilians across 32 schools training over 500,000 Soldiers a year. Vision Leading the Army’s transition into the future by shaping the Army of 2020, developing adaptive leaders and organizations, modernizing equipment, and revolutionizing training to strengthen the Nation’s adaptive land force for decisive action. 3 “Victory Starts Here!!!”

Training the Army of 2020 "If we do not make home station training exciting and relevant, we will pay a price in young leaders exiting the Army because they will not get it or understand the relevance of it." GEN Robert W. Cone TRADOC Commanding General 4 UNCLASSIFIED

Revolution in Army Learning Relevant and Challenging Context Learning at the Point of Need Developed & Delivered by the Army’s Best OE / Regional Alignment… - Information When and Where Needed - Single Portal to Digital Learning Resources - Performance Support Aids Adaptability… Critical Thinking … Complex Environments Assessments, Evaluations Career Long Learning When describing the model, we speak of it in terms of how it is revolutionizing learning in the Army. Four aspects describing the revolution are: Learning at the point of need - whether the Soldier is deployed, at home station or at home – CASCOM Mobile Applications in the Army Marketplace. Extension of the school house - DLI uses Broadband Language Training System (BLTS). Career Long Learning – learning continuums supporting the different cohorts will have distributed learning courses between resident experiences. and relevant and challenging context – Training Brain Operations Center provides the operational environment for the institution and the operating force by rapidly infusing it into the institution and the operating force. We describe the model as being enabled by technology, because the true measure of effectiveness will center the educational experience and outcome of the student. We believe the model will reduce reduce to some degree, the amount of time a Soldier will have to spend at resident instruction in the future. The model will improve the institutional training and education of the reserve component, because the model supports the distributed nature of the reserve components in hometown America. We have included FORSCOM in the dialogue, and the operating force sees many opportunities to leverage the resources in the institution to enable and enhance its training. Transform Learning Methodologies-Outcome-oriented, Blended Learning Leverage and Develop Information Capabilities Army Training Network, Army Training Information System, Training Brain, etc Rapid adaptability of course content Improved training databases Schoolhouse capability to create / integrate digital learning content Key Enablers Training Developer and Instructor Workforce Skills Point of need access to learning content Information Systems and Databases Increase rigor, relevance and effectiveness of school house learning experiences Extend reach of the schoolhouse through enabling technology to create a point of need learning capability learner-centric, career-long learning capability that can be delivered at the point of need Extension of the School House Tech Enabled Learning Virtual Training Environments Mobile Learning and Distributed Learning Modules Regional Learning Centers Self-Structured Learning - Flexible & Adaptable to ARFORGEN UNCLASSIFIED

Learner-Centric 2015 Learning Environment UNCLASSIFIED Learner-Centric 2015 Learning Environment Blended Learning Technology-Based Delivery with Facilitator in the Loop Context-based, facilitated, problem solving team exercises Performance Support Aids (Mobile Digital Devices-- The Game Changer!) Single Portal to Digital Learning Resources (Virtual Warrior University) Regional Learning Centers (Satellite schools at unit locations) Coaches Mentors Mobile Learning, dL Modules Adaptive Learning, Intelligent Tutors Learner- Centric Peer-Based Learning (Digital Social Networks) Soldier Created Content (Wikis, Blogs, Apps, etc.) Facilitators Instructors Assessments, Evaluations (Rigor & Relevance) Virtual Training Environments (e.g JTCOIC-Training Brain) Self-Structured Learning Track Progress (Army Career Tracker) Enables Career-Long Learning -- Supports a Learning Army

Mobile Computing Integrated Project Team (IPT) Major Efforts Army Learning Model 2015 Doctrine 2015 Mobile Computing Integrated Project Team (IPT) Distributed Learning IPT Training Brain Operations Center (TBOC) Setting the Conditions 7 UNCLASSIFIED

Army Learning Model for 2015 Enriching Home Station Training Leveraging learning products, enablers…to enhance Soldier & Leader individual learning and preparation for collective training Resident Training - 21st Century Soldier/Leader Competencies Functional Training - Training Support Packages and MTTs Sustainment Training - Training Support Packages Access to Learning Content & Products Tailored instructional materials delivered at the point of need Provide access to: demonstrations of task performance content updates and alerts repositories of source files and reusable graphics Rapid adaptability of course content Improved training databases Schoolhouse capability to create / integrate digital learning content Reach-back to Subject Matter Experts Soldier / Leader Performance Support Aids (e.g., Army Training Network) Exercise Support - Training Support Packages and SMEs Operationalizing Learning at the Point of Need UNCLASSIFIED

NETWORK ACCESS & TECHNOLOGY Key ALM Initiatives Comprehensive Course Review / ALM Revisions Functional Training Review 21st Century Soldier Competency Panels Army Learning Coordination Council Course Resource Model Mobile Computing Requirements Focus Areas RESOURCES Resourcing Models, Policy, Tools THE WORKFORCE Instructor / Content Developer Skills Sets ASSESSMENT Value of Implementing and Best Practices NETWORK ACCESS & TECHNOLOGY Point of Need and Reach back 9 UNCLASSIFIED

Doctrine 2015 Tactics and Procedures Fundamental principles ADP 1-02 Operational Terms and Military Symbols ADP 2-0 Intelligence ADP 3-0 Unified Land Operations ADP 3-05 Special Operations ADP 3-07 Stability ADP 3-09 Fires ADP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities Army Doctrine Publications (ADP) [15 ADPs] ADP 3-37 Protection ADP 3-90 Offense and Defense ADP 4-0 Sustainment ADP 5-0 The Operations Process ADP 6-0 Mission Command ADP 6-22 Army Leadership ADP 7-0 Training Units and Developing Leaders Fundamental principles Army Doctrine Reference Publications (ADRP) [1 per ADP] ADRP 1-02 Operational Terms and Military Symbols ADRP 2-0 Intelligence ADRP 3-0 Unified Land Operations ADRP 3-05 Special Operations ADRP 3-07 Stability ADRP 3-09 Fires ADRP 3-28 Defense Support of Civil Authorities Detailed information on fundamentals ADRP 3-37 Protection ADRP 3-90 Offense and Defense ADRP 4-0 Sustainment ADRP 5-0 The Operations Process ADRP 6-0 Mission Command ADRP 6-22 Army Leadership ADRP 7-0 Training Units and Developing Leaders Field Manuals (FM) Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual Field Manual [50 FMs] Tactics and Procedures Implementing and sustaining ALM 2015: Using Doctrine 2015 to disseminate doctrine and TTP throughout the Army Findings • Doctrine 2015 creates a more efficient development and update process. • Doctrine 2015 is the first comprehensive review of the doctrine structure based on the evolving operational environment and emerging technology. • Implementing Doctrine 2015 will initially cost an additional $7M and is an investment in making Doctrine relevant. • Projected doctrine production capability 60% of requirement. Discussion • The key desired outcome is to update doctrine more efficiently and promulgate it to the force more effectively. The increased access tied to current and emerging technology also contributes to reinforcing the continuous adaptive learning model TRADOC has embraced to facilitate career-long learning for our Soldiers, leaders and Civilians. • With the decrease in doctrine developers and the backlog in doctrine development, the Army's doctrine was becoming irrelevant. The Army was becoming a TTP based vice Doctrine based organization. • Online publication of doctrine increases access, review and feedback by the operational force . Observations/Linkages • The Profession and the ALDS are directly linked to both Doctrine 2015 initiatives. • ATIS support important for access and delivery of doctrine. • Increased doctrine collaboration with FORSCOM/AMC/SOCOM improves feedback, review, and development. Recommendation TRADOC continue the investment in Doctrine 2015 and develop a dynamic feedback mechanism to evaluate the quality of our doctrine through exercises and the Combat Training Centers. Objective: Produce a more informed and educated force capable of practicing Army doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures. Risk: Failure to support Doctrine 2015 will significantly impact our ability to remain a doctrine based Army. Army Techniques Pubs (ATP) Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques Authenticated version on APD Input through wiki version (Interactive Media, Podcasts, Mobile APPs) Applications UNCLASSIFIED 10

UNCLASSIFIED Mobile Computing IPT Deliver a holistic mobile capabilities strategy to the TRADOC Commander Collaboration – HQDA CIO/G-6 and G-8, TRADOC Centers of Excellence (SIGCOE, MSCOE, MCOE), Combined Arms Center (CAC) Connecting Soldiers to Digital Apps (CSDA), Army War College, U.S. Military Academy, TRADOC CKO, ARCIC etc. Validating requirements for mobile devices, apps, and content environment Policy impacts (DoD, Army, TRADOC) – security, acquisition, CAC/PKI, risk etc. Demand for “Controlled but Publicly Releasable Content” environment Technology approaches (bring-your-own device, private cloud, CAC readers, mobile device management, mobile application management, etc.) Information exchange forums - Air Training Command, Naval War College, Defense Language Institute, Homeland Defense, Industry Workshops, etc.

Distributed Learning IPT Discoverability: Improving the user experience by ensuring content can be located with movement through the courseware as intuitive as possible. Accessibility: Improving course registration and launching of content. Playability: Improving content design and development so courseware plays without interruptions, so the student can execute training and testing. Trackability: Ensuring soldiers get credit for course/content completions. Rethinking courseware preproduction, delivery (Coalition, deployed), lifecycle mgt Discoverability, For mobile delivery this requires a repository of executable apps similar to the Apple Itunes Store. Accessibility, The ease of accessing mobile content is crucial to the user experience. This means the mobile content should be easy to find and easy to download. Playability, The number of mobile devices is broad and rapidly changing. Playability of apps will require commitment for a store that updates operating system requirements on a regular basis so users can expect results. Flexibility, The number of mobile devices supported is essential for broad acceptance and use. Trackability, The ability to record scores or learning progress from a mobile device. This requirement to track from a learning management system has not been defined for the Army. UNCLASSIFIED

Training Brain Operations Center Exercise Support Modeling & Simulations The Training Brain facilitates and acts as the principal enabler for continuous learning across all TRADOC lines of effort through acquiring, analyzing, creating, organizing, applying and transferring data, information, and knowledge in the context of current and future operations. The Training Brain facilitates and acts as the principal enabler for continuous learning across all TRADOC lines of effort through acquiring, analyzing, creating, organizing, applying and transferring data, information, and knowledge in the context of current and future operations. Attack the Network ISR Topoff Data Transformation UNCLASSIFIED

Support to Mission Command Support to 1/101 ABCT Key Leader Engagements 1/101st Airborne BCT received deployment orders for RC-East, Afghanistan. TBOC acquired and manipulated 15,000 real-world reports containing geospatial, activity, and human network data. For the 1/101st two-week exercise, conducted at Ft. Carson, CO, the RC-East data was geographically and temporally adjusted to match the training location and cycle. These reports were delivered over the exercise networks, feeding their Mission Command systems – just like they would experience in theater. BAT/BIAR Integration Targeting Packages Support to Mission Command Insider Threat UNCLASSIFIED

Setting the Conditions UNCLASSIFIED Setting the Conditions Engaging Joint, Industry and Academia partners Ongoing Mobile Pilot Efforts Exploring Content Approaches (AKO, APAN, .edu, etc.) Assessing Virtual User Environment Capabilities Employing Everything Over IP (EOIP) Capabilities Active participation in efficiency efforts: Data Center Consolidation Enterprise Email Migration Army Baseline IT Services (ABITS) Enterprise Collaborative Services IT Management Reform Maintaining Balance and Suppressing Appetites!!! 15

COL Charles Harris TRADOC G-6 (757)501-6551 DSN 501 charles. e COL Charles Harris TRADOC G-6 (757)501-6551 DSN 501 charles.e.harris38.mil@mail.mil www.tradoc.army.mil “Victory Starts Here!!!”