College Prep: 101 Lisa Bradley COUN March
Introduction _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Geared towards secondary school counselors dealing with college-bound students. Geared towards secondary school counselors dealing with college-bound students. Technology & planning for post-secondary education. Technology & planning for post-secondary education. Progressive learning experience for students utilizing technological resources. Progressive learning experience for students utilizing technological resources.
Detailed Findings _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Center for Prevention of School Violence Center for Prevention of School Violence Center for Prevention of School Violence Center for Prevention of School Violence Youthhood: Transitioning to adulthood Youthhood: Transitioning to adulthood Education World Education World Education World Education World Personality Assessment & Career Inventories Personality Assessment & Career Inventories New Trier Township HS District for Career Development Planning New Trier Township HS District for Career Development Planning New Trier Township HS District for Career Development Planning New Trier Township HS District for Career Development Planning, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Occupational Outlook Handbook California Association for School Counselors California Association for School Counselors California Association for School Counselors California Association for School Counselors College & University information College & University information National Technology Institute for School Counselors National Technology Institute for School Counselors National Technology Institute for School Counselors National Technology Institute for School Counselors Scholarships, Loans, SAT/ACT Testing, College applications Scholarships, Loans, SAT/ACT Testing, College applications
Center for the Prevention of School Violence _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 st STEP: Students transition into adulthood can be intimidating… 1 st STEP: Students transition into adulthood can be intimidating… Targets students, teachers, parents, & school counselors. Targets students, teachers, parents, & school counselors. Life after high school. Life after high school. interactive curriculum with content areas. interactive curriculum with content areas.
Center for the Prevention of School Violence ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Orientation to pursuing higher education. Orientation to pursuing higher education. Online activities & resources: general overview of the college procedure. Online activities & resources: general overview of the college procedure. - Comparing high school & college - Budgeting for college - College information from teenspace - A Day in the life of a college student
Education World _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 nd STEP: Self-Exploration… 2 nd STEP: Self-Exploration… Targets counselors, teachers, administrators, students. Targets counselors, teachers, administrators, students. Excellent resource for many self-assessment tools: Excellent resource for many self-assessment tools: - Personality tests - IQ tests - Interest and aptitude quizzes Value & interest inventories can guide individuals in a direction to a particular field or major. Value & interest inventories can guide individuals in a direction to a particular field or major.
Education World _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ School counselors can access the online inventories & tests in addition to administering them to their students free and time effective. School counselors can access the online inventories & tests in addition to administering them to their students free and time effective. Recommended assessments: Recommended assessments: - The Keirsey Temperament Sorter - The Holland Interest Inventory - The Career Planning Process Results are valuable yet not absolute authorities! Results are valuable yet not absolute authorities!
New Trier Township HS School District for Career Development Planning _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 rd STEP: Choosing a Major… 3 rd STEP: Choosing a Major… Targets students, parents, counselors, students. Targets students, parents, counselors, students. Learning about majors offered in a students field of interest. Learning about majors offered in a students field of interest. Offers career internet resources: Offers career internet resources: - College Board Career Browser - - Career Resource - The Occupational Outlook Handbook - O*NET Online
New Trier Township HS School District for Career Development Planning _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Most Valuable: Most Valuable: 1) - advice on college/university majors in relation to students interests. 2) The Outlook Occupational Handbook - Bureau of Labor Statistics - Describes job descriptions, working conditions, training & education required, earnings, expected outlook.
California Association for School Counselors _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 th STEP: Finding a suitable college… 4 th STEP: Finding a suitable college… Targets school counselors. Targets school counselors. Supplies guidance counselors with alphabetized material according to subject matter. Supplies guidance counselors with alphabetized material according to subject matter. Locating institutions that offer particular majors and meet financial means as well. Locating institutions that offer particular majors and meet financial means as well. “College Costs” resource and online college locator all in one. “College Costs” resource and online college locator all in one.
California Association for School Counselors ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The National Center for Education Statistics The National Center for Education Statistics - Profiles 7,000 colleges & universities. - Search by geographic location, programs & majors, or both. - Results produce list of institutions meeting students’ criteria in addition to general information regarding admissions, student expenses, financial aid, population, & contact information.
National Technology Institute for School Counselors ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 th STEP: The plan in action… 5 th STEP: The plan in action… Targets secondary students, school counselors. Targets secondary students, school counselors. Evaluate financial responsibilities, registering for SATs, & the application process. Evaluate financial responsibilities, registering for SATs, & the application process. Supplies students with: Supplies students with: - SAT prep - Scholarship opportunities - Loan information - College applications
National Technology Institute for School Counselors ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAT/ACT Test Information SAT/ACT Test Information - Practice Tests, Kaplan Test, Scholarships Scholarships -, Fast Aid Scholarship Search, Loan Information Loan Information - Sallie Mae, eStudent Loan, Amer. Student Asst. College Applications College Applications - Common Application & College Link
Conclusion _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The five websites are resourceful for school counselors. The five websites are resourceful for school counselors. Technological approach to guiding students through the beginning stages of the college process. Technological approach to guiding students through the beginning stages of the college process. …CLOSING REMARKS …CLOSING REMARKS
Additional Resources _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ College Prep: 101 Research Paper College Prep: 101 Research Paper College Prep: 101 Research Paper College Prep: 101 Research Paper Click here to see sample of research paper Click here to see sample of research paper Click here to see sample of research paper Click here to see sample of research paper Internet Address Book (IAB) Internet Address Book (IAB) Internet Address Book (IAB) Internet Address Book (IAB)