On a Pilgrimage into the Future
Much growth in the church 60% of Catholics live in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Renewed in dramatic ways ◦ Vatican II Church is on a pilgrimage, making its way toward God
Church as a moral force in the world Theologians and scholars looked inward No change since Council of Trent Called by Pope John XXIII
Elected in 1958 Approachable, warm, and humorous Compromise candidate/interim pope
Usually called in a time of crisis
Most Catholics did not recognize the crisis There was no outward persecution Church was not facing heresy or other major challenges to beliefs
No longer a European institution Worldwide Developments in technology, politics, economics and science Open church to dialogue with the world
Liturgy The Church’s Understanding of Itself Ecumenism: its relationship with other religions in the world Relationship with the modern world
Pre-Vatican IIVatican II standardized throughout the church Mass said in Latin Elaborate prayers and rituals People’s participation limited Priest faced the Tabernacle Singing minimal Only bread No laity Prayers and rituals were simplified Local language Focus on scriptures Spoken responses and song Bread and wine Jesus present among community, support faith and growth of community, to move the community to serve
Pre-Vatican IIVatican II focus on hierarchy Pope rules, bishops and priests exercise authority Dogmatic Constitution of the Church brought more lay participation and leadership permanent deacons studying theology, giving retreats, offering spiritual direction
Pre-Vatican II Post Vatican II wounded Jewish- Christian relations wounded Jewish- Christian relations a greater need for collaboration and conversation a greater need for collaboration and conversation find common ground between Christian denominations and non- Christian religions find common ground between Christian denominations and non- Christian religions theological commissions for understanding theological commissions for understanding encourage dialogue encourage dialogue Declaration on Religious Freedom Declaration on Religious Freedom
Pre-Vatican II Post Vatican II suspicious and wary of modern secular developments suspicious and wary of modern secular developments Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World declared its solidarity with struggles of people everywhere declared its solidarity with struggles of people everywhere
Write an agenda of at least 5 points for Vatican III. They can be in the form of questions or statements, but they must represent the most pressing issues for the Church at this time.
How does Gaudium et Spes describe the Church? According to this document, the Church is to read the signs of the times. What are some of those times the document mentions? What has been the effect of modern life and technology on religion, according to this document? Why does the document express particular concern for the young people of today?
Church recognizes itself as a part of the world Links future of church and future of human race Joys and anxieties of human race are joys and anxieties of the Church Called to serve, worship, witness truth, and rescue not judge Church must listen Particular ministry to young, poor, and afflicted
Considering the vision of the Church offered in Gaudium et Spes, can you think of a situation in today’s world that needs the Church’s presence? What could the Church do to benefit this situation? Gaudium et Spes speaks of technological advancements long before the dawn of the internet. Read the signs of the times. How, do you think, can the Internet benefit human dignity? How is the internet threatening it? Why is it vitally important today that the Church be able to speak to the young people of the world in a way that is intelligible and meaningful to them? How have you seen today’s church communicate more effectively with young people?
What does Lumen Gentium suggest from the very beginning that the role of the laity in the modern Church will be? How does Lumen Gentium describe the make up of the early Christian community? What is the mission of this messianic people? What is the role of the sacraments in the life of God’s priestly people on earth?
Calls all members of the church to be priestly people To be the light of Christ to the world Urgency for church to respond to the needs of the modern world Response must affirm freedom and dignity of human person Role of laity is to transform the structures of society by using their own unique gifts, cultures, and technologies to bring Christ to the ends of the earth
Lumen Gentium calls the Church to be a sacrament visible sign to the world. It says lay people have a unique role in the Church because they are in closer contact to the world than the clergy are. Name three specific ways that laypeople can bring the light of Christ to the world in ways that are different from those of a priest. What do you think the Church needs from you to fulfill its mission of being the light of Christ?
Brainstorm a list of the greatest strengths and assets that young people bring to the church today Brainstorm a list of the greatest needs of young Christians today Write summary statements of the greatest needs and strengths of young people today.
African Elder ◦ Walks with God ◦ Simple worship ◦ Faithful witness to tradition A Pope of Peace ◦ A voice of peace in the midst of war ◦ Moral authority and political neutrality to speak for all ◦ Bring peace and love to a suffering humanity ◦ Brought message to all humankind Two stories, very different lives, both represent one church