Department of Science and Technology The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the premiere science and technology body in the country. Providing central direction, leadership and coordination of all scientific and technological activities. Formulating policies, programs and projects to support national development. Vision for Science and Technology Overview By 2004, S&T shall have contributed significantly to the enhancement of national productivity and competitiveness, and to the solutions of pressing national problems. By 2010, the Philippines shall have carved niches and become a world-class knowledge provider and user in selected S&T areas; and shall have developed a vibrant Filipino S&T culture. By 2020, the Philippines shall have developed a wide range of globally competitive products and services which have high technology content.
Department of Science and Technology Functions Formulate and adopt a comprehensive National Science and Technology Plan, and monitor and coordinate its funding and implementation; Promote, assist and, where appropriate, undertake scientific and technological research and development in areas identified as vital to the country's development; Promote the development of indigenous technology and the adaptation and innovation of suitable imported technology, and in this regard, undertake technology development up to commercial stage; Undertake design and engineering works to complement research and development functions; Promote, assist and, where appropriate, undertake the transfer of the results of scientific and technological research and development to their end-users;
Department of Science and Technology Promote, assist and, where appropriate, undertake the technological services needed by agriculture, industry, transport, and the general public; Develop and maintain an information system and databank on science and technology; Develop and implement programs for strengthening scientific and technological capabilities through manpower training, infrastructure and institution-building; Promote public consciousness in science and technology; Undertake policy research, technology assessment, feasibility and technical studies. Functions
Department of Science and Technology Organizational Structure
Department of Science and Technology Goals for S&T By 2004: world-class capabilities in ICT and agricultural modernization; improved access to quality S&T services, higher productivity and competitiveness for Philippines products and industries; creation of technology –based enterprises in the region; S&T-based solutions to pressing national problems and greater S&T awareness and support among leaders and policy makers. By 2010: technological leadership in ASEAN in the fields of biotechnology, materials science and microelectronics; adequate number of quality scientists and engineers in the country; robust technology-based and knowledge-based industry sectors; globally competitive products; quality S&T-oriented higher education sector; top-performance in science and math; highly-developed culture of innovation and S&T consciousness; enhanced private sector participation in S&T/R&D activities; and a national R&D budget of 1% of GDP. By 2020: a well-developed S&T-based sector; world-class universities in S&T; internationally recognized scientists and engineers; and model status for S&T management and governance.
Department of Science and Technology Strategies for S&T 1.Niching and Clustering: Priorities in S&T shall be set in accordance with certain niches on clusters of industries. Market niching shall become the basis for prioritization of S&T area thrusts. 2.Addressing Pressing National Problems: This cry out for S&T solutions. Areas have been identified where national problems exist and which implies that S&T should address them. These are poverty, poor health, rapid population growth, food, water, energy… 3. Developing S&T Human Resources 4.Providing Support to Small and Medium Enterprises 5.Accelerating Technology Transfer and Utilization 6.Building/Upgrading S&T Infrastructure 7.Strengthening Government-Industry Academe-Civil Society and International Linkages 8.Improving S&T Governance 9.Promoting/Popularizing S&T
Department of Science and Technology Long-Term Area Thrusts 1.Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources 2.Health/Medical Sciences 3.Biotechnology 4.Information and Communications Technology 5.Microelectronics 6.Earth and Marine Sciences 7.Fisheries and Aquaculture 8.Environment 9.Natural Disaster Mitigation 10. Energy 11. Materials Science and Engineering 12. Manufacturing and Process Engineering
Department of Science and Technology Finance: During the year of 2004, the DOST System spent a total P billion ($ million) Only 2% spent for Capital Outlay (CO), The bulk of the expenses were equally spent, 49% each, for Personal Services (PS) amounting to P1.254 billion ($ million) and Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses with P billion($ million). These expenditures were distributed according to the following major functions of the Department: Research and Development with a total expenditures of P million($ million) or 17% Technology delivery : P million ($ million) or 8% S&T education and training : P million ($ million) of 24% Development Integration and coordination of the national research or S&T System: P million ($1.938 million) or 4% General administration and support services : P million ($ million) or 22% $1 = P
Department of Science and Technology Human Resource: The DOST System has a total workforces of 4,554 composed of 3,403 (75%) technical personnel and 1,151(25%) non-technical personnel The distribution of DOST system personnel are as follows: Research and Development _1,090(23,93%) Technology Delivery – 251(5.51%) Scientific & technological services – 1,492(32.76%) S&T education and training – 533(11.70%) Development, Integration and coordination of the national research or S&T System – 156(3.42%) General administration and support services -1,032(22.66%)
Department of Science and Technology S&T Indicators Indicators Philippines Ranking in S&T Competitiveness in the World Competitiveness Report 40th35 th 25th 2Philippines Ranking in Technology Achievement Index43th40th35th 3No. of Patents Granted to Residents % of Private Sector R&D Expenditures to Total National R&D Expenditures 25%30%40% 5% of Total R&D Expenditures to GDP0.30%1.00%2.00% 6No. of R&D Personnel per Million Population No. of World- Class Science and Technology Universities3915 8Value Added in Leading High Technology Exports27th20th15th 9Philippines Ranking in Global Technology Exports27th20th15th 10Philippines Ranking in Knowledge Jobs3 rd 2 nd 1st 11Philippine Ranking in the Transformation to a Digital Economy34th30th20th
Department of Science and Technology References: Annual Report on Science and Technology, 2004 National Science and Technology Plan Website of DOST: