S TOP CYBERBULLYING ! This is our project on cyberbullying. This will teach you different types of cyberbullying and stories of victims. We will tell you how to prevent and or stop it. There are many ways that cyberbullying affects people and can change them. Introduction: By: Amber & Billie
E XCLUSION ! Most young people in this generation have cellular devices. The teens who do not have an internet available device, are usually left out of the group. The ones who do, often make fun of or hurt the person that does not have a phone or laptop, without them knowing.
H ARASSMENT ! Harassment is usually through texting. The bully will send threatening messages over and over again saying things such as, I will kill you, sleep with one eye open and mean and cruel sayings. Sometimes they will post what they sent to hurt one another on a social networking site. That can easily hurt and affect peoples lives.
O UTING ! Outing is when somebody prints out what the other person said, including personal and sexual information. They either send it around or post it on Facebook or other networks. The smallest kind of outing is reading the text messages to another person witch can cause psychological damage. This very often and is not treated very responsibly.
C YBER STALKING ! Cyber stalking are sent through or text messages. It is a type of harassment. Sometimes it can lead to real stalking witch is lack of personal space and always having the feeling of someone watching you.
M ASQUERADING ! This is when a cyberbully pretends to be someone they are not. They can create fake usernames and accounts to bully you. The bullies do this because it is harder to get caught for threats.
F LAMING !!! Flaming is usually in chat rooms over text messaging or s. They speak with capitals, witch means shouting. For example a girl had a fight with her friend over a guy. The next day the girls friend printed out the conversation and made it look like she wrote mean things
P SEUDONYMS This is a Nickname online. When ever you use MSN Messenger, Instagram, you are using a nickname. Everyone who uses a social networking site or anything online, You use pseudonyms. This can be very helpful yet used in a mean matter.
A NONYMITY This is when the bully is using a fake account or username. They do this because it is a safer way to cyberbully so they cant get caught very easily. Most of them do it not to blow their cover or so they don’t want the person to know they are bullying them.
H OW TO PREVENT CYBERBULLYING ! You can prevent cyberbullying by changing you password regularly, Don’t comment or post anything that could hurt someone's feelings. Also do not post when you are mad or upset because that could lead to flaming wars or haters. Always keep your computer in an open place and last but not least keep it PG always.
H OW IT AFFECTS PEOPLE ! Cyberbully can affect people because when they are sad they can sometimes lead to self harm or suicide. Many people have taken their lives because of cyberbullying. Such as Amanda Todd who took her life because the bullying followed her from school to school. Cyberbullying can also affect your family and get out of hand. Here is the Amanda Todd video before she ended her life. Amanda Todd video R.I.P
Thank-you for watching! Hope you enjoyed our presentation and that it helped with online safety, definitions, and how to prevent it! The End!