+ Prospective Student Information Session Master of Arts in Postsecondary Educational Leadership Master of Arts in Postsecondary Educational Leadership with a Specialization in Student Affairs
+ Program Missions The Masters of Arts degree in Education with a Concentration in Postsecondary Educational Leadership and a Specialization in Student Affairs is intended for students pursuing positions in college and university divisions of student affairs. Graduates of this program are well-prepared to deliver and assess programs and serve students in a range of student affairs functional areas, including: admissions, academic advising, campus life, career services, multicultural affairs, new student orientation, residential education, and study abroad programs. The Masters of Arts degree in Education with a Concentration in Postsecondary Educational Leadership and a Specialization in Postsecondary Education is intended for students seeking positions in college and university administration. Graduates of this program are well-prepared to deliver and assess programs and serve students in a range of institutional areas, including: enrollment services, financial aid, and training and development. Graduates of this program are also prepared to work as service providers in governmental and non-profit organizations.
+ The SA program is for… Aspiring student affairs educators seeking entry-level positions in college and university divisions of student affairs. Current student affairs professionals seeking to advance their careers and enhance their theoretical knowledge and skills to be student learning-centered practitioners. The PSE program is for… Individuals seeking entry-level positions in college administration and/or government and non-profits agencies connected to a higher education context. Current professionals seeking to advance and enhance their theoretical knowledge and skills to be more informed and effective administrators.
+ Program Cornerstones Student learning centeredness informed by the practical application of student learning, development, and engagement theories Social justice demonstrated through concepts of universal design, equity, and access embedded into the curriculum and connected to the student’s development through reflective practice Outcomes-based assessment modeled through engagement in outcomes-based assessment, applied research, and institutional analysis and planning (SA) & Analysis, planning, and responsible practice modeled on a construct of higher education as a social responsibility within an economically competitive environment (PSE)
+ Program Full-Time Faculty Dr. Marilee Bresciani: Outcomes-based assessment of student learning; program evaluation; inquiry and applied research Dr. Charles Degeneffe: Adjustment and care giving for family members of persons with traumatic brain injuries; professional issues within rehabilitation counseling education. Dr. Frank Harris III: Student development in postsecondary education; college men and masculinities; racial/ethnic equity in student outcomes; qualitative research methods Dr. Kendra Jeffcoat: Community college leadership, teaching, and learning Dr. Shaila Mullholland: History, philosophy, and development of community colleges; postsecondary education policy; diversity in postsecondary education; qualitative research methods Dr. Mark Tucker: Quantitative research methods; program evaluation; rehabilitation counseling Dr. Luke Wood: Community colleges; ethical leadership and decision- making; black male achievement; leadership development
+ Program Adjunct Faculty & Assistantship Coordinators Dr. Yvonne Hernandez, Assistant Director for Greek Life, San Diego State University Dr. Emily Marx, Director for the Center for Student Involvement, University of California San Diego Dr. Sherry Mallory, Dean of Student Affairs at Revelle College, University of California San Diego Dr. Robyn Adams, Assistant Director of Student Life & Leadership, San Diego State University (Assistantship Coordinator) Cynthia Davalos, Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, University of California San Diego (Assistantship Coordinator)
+ Degree Requirements Student Affairs (SA) Core Courses (6 units) Specialization Courses (12 units) Elective Courses (3 units) Research Courses (9 units) Reflective Learning Portfolio Postsecondary Education (PSE) Core Courses (6 units) Specialization Courses (9 units) Elective Courses (6 units) Research Courses (9 units) Reflective Learning Portfolio Note: Courses are held once per week, Monday–Thursday between 4:00pm and 9:40pm. Students who enroll in this program MUST be available for courses during these days/times between September and May of each year. For more information, see the SA and PSE program websitesprogram websites
+ Course Sequences Two Year SequenceThree Year Sequence
+ Additional Certificates Certificate in Community College Teaching This 12 credit hour graduate certificate is designed to prepare current and prospective community college faculty in transfer, basic skill, vocational, and career technical education areas. The program goals include improving competencies of existing and prospective faculty. Certificate in Institutional Research, Planning, & Assessment (Launching Summer 2013) Certificate in Institutional Research, Planning, & Assessment This 12 credit hour graduate certificate is to equip postsecondary faculty and administrators in 2- and 4- year institutions with the knowledge and skills to access, manage, and utilize input data, student information system generated data, outcome-based assessment results, and other benchmark indicators of institutional data in their decision-making processes.
+ Program Costs Fall 2013 Tuition and Fees 6 graduate units or less: $2, graduate units or more: $4,016 Non-Resident (Out-of-State and International Students) tuition and fees are an additional $372 per unit
+ Assistantship Opportunities Residential Education Fraternity and Sorority Life Student Life and Leadership Assessment Parent and Family Programs International Student Services Educational Opportunity Program Programs Abroad Career Development Student Conduct
+ Criteria Used for Assessing Applicants Preparation/readiness to pursue graduate education (GPA, Letters of Recommendation, GRE scores) Writing proficiency Alignment between professional interests/goals and program mission, cornerstones, and learning outcomes Previous leadership or professional work experience Knowledge of the Student Affairs/Postsecondary Education profession Commitment to equity, diversity, service, and social justice
+ Admissions Deadline and Procedures Admissions Overview: Students must complete and submit two applications for graduate admission: 1. CSU Mentor application CSU Mentor application 2. Supplemental department application Supplemental department application All applicants must also take the GRE and submit all required supplemental materials by the deadlines. We are not able to consider applicants who do not meet these deadlines. Financial aid is available for those interested in the MA program. Instructions on how to apply and other information about financial aid can be found at the following site: SDSU Office of Financial Aid and ScholarshipsSDSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
+ Admissions Deadline and Procedures Step 1: Applying to the University’s Graduate Division Complete the CSU Mentor Application by:CSU Mentor Application December 14 th SA March 1 st PSE Submit the required application fee with the CSU Mentor Application by: December 14 th SA March 1 st PSE Have the following materials mailed directly to the Graduate Division by January 10 th (SA) or April 1 st (PSE): TWO official transcripts in sealed envelopes Graduate Record Exam (GRE) general test scores. There is no set GRE score needed to enter the program, however, you must have a GRE score. The GRE school code for our program is TOEFL Test Scores (for International Students only)
+ Step 2: Applying to the ARPE Department The following steps must be completed by January 10 th (SA) or March 1 st (PSE): Complete the Supplemental Department online applicationSupplemental Department online application Submit two letters of recommendation. The process for submitting letters is integrated in the supplemental department online application. Submit unofficial transcripts of all graduate and undergraduate coursework. Transcripts should be uploaded in the "Transcripts" section of the supplemental department online application. ** If you are applying for a Student Affairs assistantship, required materials with your program application must be submitted by January 10 th (SA and PSE). Admissions Deadline and Procedures
+ Step 3: Campus Interviews All applications will be initially reviewed by a committee of faculty in the ARPE department. Following this review, a select group of students will be invited to interview for admission to the program and for a student affairs assistantship (if applicable). Assistantship interviews will be held in-person or via Skype (at the applicant’s preference) on February 28 and March 1. Students who did not apply or are not being considered for an assistantship will interview in-person or via Skype (at the applicant’s preference) early March. Students will be notified of their admission status (admitted, denied, or waitlisted) shortly following the interview period. Please check the program website periodically for updates. Admissions Deadline and Procedures
+ Alumni Cecily Nelson-Alford, Class of 2013 Assistant Director for Education, Women’s Center UC San Diego Danielle Quiñones, Class of 2013 Student Programs Coordinator & Organizations Advisor UC Santa Barbara Var Cummings, Class of 2012 Hall Director, Residence Life Texas Christian University Jaclyn Hugg, Class of 2011 Assistant Director of Advising DePaul University
+ Alumni Karina Martinez, Class of 2010 Program Outreach Specialist California State University, Fullerton Eric Felix, Class of 2010 Doctoral Research Assistant at the Center for Urban Education University of Southern California Navi Kalinsky, Class of 2009 Regional Site Coordinator for Employee & Community Engagement Intuit Dr. Bre White, Class of 2007 Assistant Director of Student-Athlete Academic Support Services San Diego State University
+ Contact Information: Nancy Nguyen, Assistant Program Coordinator & 2 nd Year SA Graduate Student Cell: More Questions?