A few historical facts
Christopher Columbus 1492
The first settlers 1607
The African slaves
The Mayflower 1620
The American Constitution 1787 Philadelphia Georges washington
The Indian genocide 1838
The gold rush 1848
The civil war
Immigration from Europe & China 1880
World War I
The suffragettes: women got the right to vote 1920
The 20’s: Economic & social change Ford mass production The prohibition Al Capone
The collapse of the Wall Street Stock Exchange 1929
The New Deal with president Roosevelt
World War II 1941
The cold war 1945
The Korean War
The Mac Carthysm & the Witch Hunt
John F. Kennedy The Civil Rights Movement The Cuban crisis
The Vietnam War
Wars 2001: Afghan war 2003: Iraq war
The subprime mortgage crisis 2008
The Border Fence: Mexico-USA The unfinished border 2009
The presidential election Romney