Bullying By:Emmely Patino
Introduction Have you ever been bullied? Or have you ever felt how it feels to be bullied . Bullying is a big problem among teenagers , bullying has been around for a long time. Its really hard to imagine children living in pain both being physically and emontionally. Imagine being picked on or laughed on every day bullied victims may feel like there is no escape from the pain and torment. They might want to skip school and dread to get out of bed and they always look for ways to stay at home and avoid the bulling .
Bully – Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (usually someone), Typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying is a form of mean or aggressive behavior and bullying can take the form of physical contact , words or more .
Differences between Traditional Bullying and cyberbullying . - Bullies on the internet can now hide behind their computer screens and false identities; something that traditional playground bullies never could do Unlike traditional "playground" bullying, cyberbullying can be done at any time, from any location, and possibly worst of all, can be completely anonymous Cyberbullying is anonymous . At school and home . All day , usually every day Larger , Global audience so anybody could see them being bullied . Traditional bullying has always had an effect on the victim - maybe physical, socially, and most definitely emotionally. Bullying happens face to face During the school day . A Small audience .
The history of bullying . Bullying isn’t a new problem , but people are becoming more and more aware of its negative impact on kids .Bullying has always involved gossip , pushing , shoving and tripping. Oliver Twist , a book written by Charles Dickens published in 1838 , That book was one of the first novels in English language to focus on bullying .Looking back to the 18th century peer on peer harassment was just as commonly seen as it is today . Today, bullying is viewed much differently than it was in the 1800’s. It took many years for the term to be identified for the serious problems it presents. (http://www.thrivingfamily.com/Family/Media/book-reviews/o/oliver-twist.aspx )
How students feel … Have you ever wondered how it feels like to be bullied ? Or why do kids do it ? . If you ever seen or heard anybody being bullied don’t stand there stand up for that person be there hero . Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people , mainly because of bullying . 4,400 deaths per year over 14 percent of high school students considered suicide … Bully Victims are Between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide . So don’t Make any student feel that way or make them not want to come to school . Think to yourself and wonder why do people bully is there a reason why ?
How Famous People Feel.. Students aren't the only ones that get bullied famous people do .By threat comments or disses . “Were all human” and no one should be bullied at all .
Why Do People Bully? There is a Variety of reasons why people bully. Institutional Causes If the institution at which the bullying takes place - whether the home, the school, or wherever - does not have high standards for the way people treat each other, then bullying may be more likely and/or prevalent and have an influence on why people bully. The Bully's Personal History Children who experience social rejection themselves are more likely to "pass it on" to others. Children who experience academic failure are also more likely to bully others.
What Can We Do To Stop Bullying? Treat Everyone with Respect Stand Up for Others Be Kind to the kid being bullied show them you care . Talk to the principal about getting involved at school. Schools sometimes give students a voice in programs to stop bullying. Be on a school safety committee. Create posters for your school about bullying. Be a role model for younger kids.
What To Do if your being bullied? Just walk away when the bully approaches you. Bullies usually pick on people that they think are weaker than they are, so it might help if you stand up to them. Ask Someone for help it can be helpful to tell someone that you are being bullied .
How many people are being bullied? More than 160,000 kids. Lets end bullying , more than 160,000 students missing school each day because theyre afraid of getting picked on , taunted , or beaten up
Most bullying happens in middle school and high school (google)
Amanda Todd’s Story Amanda Todd passed away because of Suicide, at age 15. Amanda posted a video on YouTube where she didn’t talked she instead wrote notecards telling her story . About being bullied and physically assaulted the video went viral after her death . The video was titled my story , which showed flash cards saying her experiences of being bullied .Amanda got a lot of hate messages and comments when she stared cutting cause she couldn’t take it anymore . This is why cyberbulling and bullying should stop. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Amanda_Todd)
Conclusion Bullying is never the answer , bullying is just cruel and mean. Instead of bullying talk to someone instead of hurting someone or there feelings . It is now 2015 , We want a better future and safe for schools so those 160,000 will go down and they will feel safe and happy coming to school not worrying about a bully .Nobody has the right to hurt other people by hitting them or calling them names. If this is happening to you , just tell yourself that is not your fault and that it is the people who are bullying you need to change , not you . Lets put an end to bullying please..