Welcome As you enter Grab 2 post-its Write the name of 2 international friends Post it on their home country on the map
Welcome About Allison IVCF staff 7 years International student in Spain New favorite food – belt noodle About Brian IVCF staff 4 years International student in Japan Had a tiger in his basement
WHERE WE’RE GOING 1.Why international students? 2.Seeing Jesus through your friends’ perspective 3.Gaining practical tools how to start a cross cultural Bible study
International Students Huge increases in international student enrollment >764,000 in the U.S. (2012) Top host country >250,000 in Canada (2012) Expect enrollment to double by 2022
Int’l Students (con’t) U.S. enrollment coming from 1.China 2.India 3.South Korea 4.Saudi Arabia*
Int’l Students (con’t) Pol PotWangari Maathai“B”
Int’l Students (con’t) Alumna testimony: Rutendo Chikuku
Int’l Students (con’t) What I wish Americans knew?
Int’l Students (con’t) Okay back to what I wish Americans Knew… 1.Eager to learn about domestic culture 2.But must show some interest in their culture also (HUGE!) 3.Other countries are important too 4.Culture shock! Extend grace to your international friends 5.Africa is a continent!!!!
What has shaped your identity ? External characteristics Corporate experiences History / narrative Language Food geography customs Group norms Social roles expectation s religion Concept of self
Understanding perspective Research Observe Befriend Perspective (con’t)
Workshop: 10 Reasons Jesus came to die How is the Gospel relevant to your friend’s culture? Perspective (con’t)
1.How is your friend’s perspective different from yours? 2.How do you think that Jesus is relevant to them? 3.Pray with a friend and ask God to speak! *Break Out*
PRACTICALS To start a cross cultural Bible study
Practicals 1.Pray! 2.Find a partner 3.Assess who 4.What if I don’t have any international friends or anyone interested in studying the Bible?
Practicals (con’t) 5.Start! 6.Studying scripture with my international friends
Practicals (con’t)
7.Applying scripture Read from their perspective Identify relevant / obtainable challenge Practice with them
Conclusions Opportunity on campus Cultural differences in perspective exist Need to develop understanding of perspective through relationship
Conclusions (con’t) Where are you at? Invitation to… 1.Make international friends 2.Engage in spiritual conversations 3.Start a study 4.Pursue Jesus with your friend(s) 5.Learn more about a specific population and their perspective
Q & A