Chapter 26: World War I 1914-1918 Section 1
Main Idea Europe in 1914 was on the brink of war Main Idea Europe in 1914 was on the brink of war. After an assassination, the nations of europe were drawn one by one into what would be called the great war, or world war I. Why was Europe on the brink of war in 1914? Why did war break out? What were the results of the fighting in 1914?
The Great War Begins (“War to End All Wars”) Europe on the Brink of War Rising tensions… MAIN Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
Militarism Massive military buildup in European countries, late 1800s and early 1900s Wanted to protect overseas colonies Growing power of armed forces left all sides ready to act Minor disagreements had potential to turn to armed conflict
Alliances Nations formed partnerships Believed no one nation would attack another, because of alliance systems Triple Alliance Triple Entente Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy France, Russia, Great Britain
Imperialism Late 1800s and early 1900s saw quest to build empires Created rivalry among European nations Germany, France, Russia, Great Britain raced to become great imperial nations More land= more power
Nationalism Strong devotion to one’s national group or culture increased in late 1800s Led to formation of new countries & struggles for power Hot spot= Balkan Peninsula, southeastern Europe Home to many ethnic groups trying to break free from Ottoman Empire
Serbia Some of strongest nationalist tensions in Balkans in Serbia, independent nation Serbian leaders wanted to expand borders, unite people in “greater Serbia” Austria-Hungary, powerful empire to north, opposed expansion Feared growth might encourage ethnic groups there to rebel Tensions continued to rise in early 1900s…
Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassination War Breaks out!! Who is assassinated?? Archduke Franz Ferdinand
War Begins! Archduke Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary decided to visit the Bosnian city of Sarajevo Serbian Gavrilo Princip assassinated archduke & wife Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Russia prepared to support Serbia Austria-Hungary ally Germany saw Russia as threat Germany declared war on Russia, ally France
schlieffen plan Germany faced war on two fronts: Russia to east, France to west Decided to strike France quickly then move to Russia Began with quick strike into neutral Belgium Attack on neutral country led Great Britain to declare war on Germany
Central Powers Allied Powers Sides Form Central Powers Allied Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary France Russia Great Britain Serbia Italy (1915)
Fighting in 1914 War quickly turned into a bloody stalemate Germany wins Battle of the Frontiers Both sides suffered heavy losses Russia attacked German territory from the east Russians defeated in Battle of Tannenberg Germany distracted from France, Allies turned on German invaders
Trench Warfare Begins Battle of the Marne September 1914 Allied troops drove Germans back Retreating Germans dug series of trenches Waited in trenches for Allied attack Trenches elaborately constructed, concealed Allies dug trenches of their own Months with little change in positions Deadlocked region= Western Front
Conditions in the Trenches Clip- All Quiet on the Western Front
Section 2: A New Kind of War MAIN IDEA: With the introduction of new types of warfare and new technologies, World War I resulted in destruction on a scale never before imagined. How was the World War I battlefield different than those of earlier wars? How did the war affect the home front? What happened on the Western Front? How did the war spread around the world?
The Battlefield New Weapons Poison Gas in response to deadlock Both sides develop gas masks Rapid-fire machine guns more effective- widely used Artillery and exploding shells Hundreds of miles of trenches Trenches not new idea But never used on this scale Rainstorms produced deep puddles, mud Lice, rats, bad sanitation constant problems Removing dead bodies often impossible Trench foot…
Warfare Soldiers ordered out of trenches to attack enemy Sprinting across area known as “no-mans-land” Thousands on both sides died, cut down by enemy guns Tanks and Aircraft Tanks developed to cross no mans land Developed by British Not always reliable Aircraft more useful First used for observation Then added machine guns & bombs Used to attack cities and battlefields WWII flying aces
Flying Aces Manfred von Richthofen “The Red Baron”
War on the Homefront Total war Must use all of societies resources, EVERYONE involved Factories produced military equipment, citizens conserved food, other goods Countries tried to control public opinion Censored media Propaganda Tried to influence opinions and get volunteers Portrayed enemy as brutal
Women in War Millions of men at battle Work on home front done by women Some worked in factories, produced war supplies Others served as nurses Contributions of women Transformed public views of women Helped women win right to vote
Battles on the Western front Didn’t start off well for Allies… After being loosely sided with Central Powers, Italy joined Allied Powers, May 1915 Sent forces against Austria-Hungary at border Series of back-and-forth battles Little progress made… Battle of Verdun Germans attack French fortress, Verdun Meant to kill, injure as many French soldiers as possible 400,000 French casualties, 10 months of fighting almost as many for Germany
Battles The Battle of the Somme British launched attack in Somme River area Plan to pull German troops away from Verdun Main assault during 1916, but NO major breakthrough Both sides lost great number Brits nearly 60,000 casualties 1st day The Third Battle of Ypres Failed offensive caused rebellion in French troops- spring 1917 Brits began offensive near Ypres, Belgium, site of German attacks Disaster for British Front lines remained virtually unchanged!
War Around the World WWI became true world war as fighting spread around the globe Over 30 nations officially took sides in the war Ottoman Empire joined Central Powers, late 1914 Controlled sea passage, Dardanelles Used by Allies to ship supplies to Russia Gallipoli Campaign Allies landed force on Gallipoli Peninsula Attempted to destroy guns, forts on Dardanelles Gave up after months of fighting, 200,000 deaths Spring 1915 Ottoman subjects in Arabian Peninsula rebelled later in war British sent T.E. Lawrence to support Arabs Arabs overthrew Ottoman rule Major Loss
Armenian Genocide Ottoman Empire Caucasus: home to ethnic Christian Armenians (minority) Ottoman leaders claimed Armenians aided Russians Began forcibly removing Armenians from Caucasus, spring 1915 600,000 Armenians died in massacre Ottoman leaders commit genocide (destruction of racial, political or cultural group)
Other Fighting War also fought in Asia and Africa Japan declared war on Germany Part of military agreement with Great Britain Japanese captured German colonies in China British, French attacked German colonies in Africa Allied colonies scattered around world made contributions to war Some colonists worked as laborers to supply armies Others fought, died in battles in hope of winning independence Hopes were in vain