Explain how do you determine if a problem Name: Date: Period: Topic: Multiplication & Division Properties of Exponents Essential Question: How can you use the multiplication and/or division properties of exponents to simplify problems? Warm-Up: Mix-Review Explain how do you determine if a problem is a function, provide an example. I should use my notes to refresh my memory!
Home-Learning review #7
Quick Review: (Lets Keep it Under a Minute)!
Location of Exponent An exponent is a little number high and to the right of a regular or base number. 3 4 Exponent Base
Definition of Exponent An exponent tells how many times a number is multiplied by itself. 3 4 Exponent Base
What an Exponent Represents An exponent tells how many times a number is multiplied by itself. 4 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 3
How to read an Exponent This exponent is read three to the fourth power. 3 4 Exponent Base
MULTIPLYING POWERS WITH THE SAME BASE Words Numbers Algebra To multiply powers with the same base, keep the base and add the exponents. bm • bn = bm + n 35 • 38 = 35 + 8 = 313 MULTIPLYING POWERS WITH THE SAME BASE
Together! Alone! 1. 66 • 63 5. 42 • 44 6. x2 • x3 2. n5 • n7 7. x5 • y2 3. 25 • 2 8. 412 • 417 4. 244 • 244
Multiplying Power of a Power Words Numbers Algebra To multiply power of a power, keep the base and multiply the exponents. Multiplying Power of a Power (pr)s = pr • s NOTE: Multiply the exponents, not add them!
Together! Alone! 3. (y4)2 1. (x2)3 2. (55)2 4. (3)6
1.) b2 • b7 6.) (3a)3 •(2p)2 2.) (p3)4 7.) w3 • (3w)4 3.) (a2)3 • a3 4.) x2 • (xy)2 5.) (4m)2 • m3 6.) (3a)3 •(2p)2 7.) w3 • (3w)4 8.) p-2 9.)(a2b)0 10.)(x-2y3)-2 Pair- Practice!
1.) b2 • b7 1.) b9 2.) (p3)4 2.) p12 3.) (a2)3 • a3 3.) a9 4.) x2 • (xy)2 4.) x4y2 5.) (4m)2 • m3 5.) 16m5 6.) (3a)3 • (2p)2 6.) 108a3p2 7.) w3 • (3w)4 7.) 81w7 8.) p-2 8.) 1/p2 9.)(a2b)0 9.) 1 10.)(x-2y3)-2 10.) x4/y6 A N S W E R
Ex: Multiplying Polynomials: In multiplying polynomials, you have to multiply the coefficients and add up the exponents of the variables with the same base.
Please simplify the following equations: How?: Answer:
Additional Practice: Page 429 - 431 (8, 9, 16, 47, 49, 73) Page 436 - 437 (20, 47)
Division Properties of Exponents
Finding Quotients of Powers Simplify Alone Together A. A. B. B. C. C. D. D.
Finding Positive Powers of Quotient Simplify. Alone Together A. A. B. B. C. C.
Remember that What if x is a fraction?
Finding Negative Powers of Quotients Simplify. Alone Together A. A. B. B. C. C.
Additional Practice: Page 443 - 445 (8, 11, 13, 37, 42, 49, 50, 60)
Home-Learning Assignment #8: home to do my Home-Learning!!! Page 429 - 431 (25, 48, 50, 72) Page 437 – 438 (48, 78) Page 443 - 445 (14, 16, 43, 70) Can’t wait until I get home to do my Home-Learning!!!