Physical and Chemical Changes in the State of Water Group 5 Ruben Barkley Stephanie Gauthia Felicia Humphries
Georgia Performance Standards 5 th Grade Science S5P2. Students will explain the difference between a physical change and a chemical change. a. Investigate physical changes by separating mixtures and manipulating (cutting, tearing, folding) paper to demonstrate examples of physical change. b. Recognize that the changes in state of water (water vapor/steam, liquid, ice) are due to temperature differences and are examples of physical change. c. Investigate the properties of a substance before, during, and after a chemical reaction to find evidence of change.
Print Reference Sources REF 423 SCH Scholastic Children’s Dictionary This is a kid-friendly resource for defining unknown words or terms. 500 CRA The Usborne Science Encyclopedia Students can research key terms and ideas using unit vocabulary as search terms. REF 031. WOR The World Almanac for Kids 2009 A collection of tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, and articles that feature related ideas. Articles related specifically to this unit include: The Atom and Albert Einstein. REF 920 WOR World Book’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists World Book’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists Profiles of scientists who have contributed to the fields of Physical Science and/or Chemistry.
Print Reference Sources REF Science Experiments Index for Young People Students can use this reference to locate water related experiments in other publications. REF 423 Hel The American Heritage Children’s Thesaurus This resource is likely to meet the needs of a range of students. There are photographs and other text features that make this thesaurus very user friendly. Students are given multiple suggestions for alternate words as well as examples of the words in context. REF Merriam Webster’s Intermediate Dictionary This is dictionary for advanced readers at the elementary school level. The definitions included are more detailed. Ref 031 Dor Dorling Kindersley Children’s Illustrated Encyclopedia This resource highlights a variety of topics in very detailed photographs. Captions share most of the information with readers. The vocabulary is often highly specialized and readers may need to have some prior knowledge about subjects.
Print Reference Sources Ref 031 Sch Scholastic Children’s Encyclopedia This is an all-in-one encyclopedia. Passages are short but give a good overview of topics. There is a lot of visual support which might be appealing to struggling readers. Ref 503 Wor v.13 The World Book Student Discovery Science Encyclopedia Students will enjoy the using this easy to read reference. Articles are well written and offer suggestions of other subjects to read about within the series. An index is included to easily access information across volumes.
Print Sources What are Solids, Liquids, and Gases? By Richard and Louise Spilsbury This book explores the different states of matter. Information and activities are included that relate to water. Solids and Liquid By Peter Riley This book shares general information about solids and liquids. Detailed information is included water and how it melts and freezes. Just Add Water – Scholastic This is a book of experiments related to water. Several explore it’s changing states. All About the Water Cycle -Schlessinger Media This video explores the different steps in the water cycle. How Water Changes (States of Matter) Weekly Reader Early Learning Library By Jim Mezzanotte This is popular magazine has articles and activities about the different states of matter.
Print Resources Water as a Solid / Water as a Liquid / Water as a Gas / The Water Cycle (Water Series) By Helen Frost Water in its different states are explored in this series. This series of books is also available in Spanish. Water, Water Everywhere: A Book About the Water Cycle (Discovery Readers) – By Melvin Berger, Gilda Berger and Bobbi Tull. The different stages of the water cycle are reviewed in this book.
Websites This website explores chemistry concepts in a kid-friendly way. Photographs, illustrations, and diagrams help students understand concepts discussed. When you search the topic matter and several related concepts will also appear. You can take a quiz after reading a short passage of information on each page. Related concepts featured: States - Phase Changes - Chemical- Physical - Solids - Liquids - Evaporation - Gases - Plasmas - BE Condensate - Solutions - Mixtures I - Mixtures II - Mixture Examples StatesPhase ChangesChemical- PhysicalSolidsLiquidsEvaporationGasesPlasmasBE CondensateSolutions Mixtures IMixtures IIMixture ExamplesStatesPhase ChangesChemical- PhysicalSolidsLiquidsEvaporationGasesPlasmasBE CondensateSolutions Mixtures IMixtures IIMixture Examples This page is found on the FactMonster encyclopedia web site and explores the liquid form of matter. This is a part of a series so there are links to access related concepts. Some of the other articles feature underlined words which students can click on for definitions. Students can find definitions to highlighted terms by clicking on them. This is a good site for students with strong reading skills.
Websites This site features a diagram to visually illustrate evaporation. It is most likely to be helpful for students who have difficulty understanding water in its gaseous state. A short passage of information follows the diagram. This is a just for fun website with interesting facts related to water. Students can learn about the temperatures at which it changes state or about how much of our bodies are made up of water. This is a site for advanced students who want to learn more about the molecular concepts of water and its ability to change states. The site features interactive activities and games. This is a website designed especially for the 5th grade GPS standards related to water. Many of the websites in this pathfinder are included but this site has additional resources and experiments.
Websites m m m This website shares information about physical changes. This is an article about physical and chemical changes. This is an interactive quiz where students have to determine if a physical or chemical change has occurred. 99/chapters/chapter1/lessons/phys_chem/phy_c_5.htm 99/chapters/chapter1/lessons/phys_chem/phy_c_5.htm 99/chapters/chapter1/lessons/phys_chem/phy_c_5.htm This is an interactive quiz where students have to determine if a physical or chemical change has occurred.
References Fact Monster. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from Chem4Kids. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from Scholastic Children’s Encyclopedia. (2004). Scholastic Children’s Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from The World Almanac for Kids. (2008). The World Almanac for Kids Retrieved April 13, 2009 from World Book. World Book Student Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from Scholastic Children’s Dictionary. Retrieved April 13, 2009 from