C INTERN ATIONAL INTERN SHIP Sajjad Torabian Master Student – University of Louisville
International Excellence The quality of being outstanding or extremely good!
International Programs Internships Exchange programs Summer Schools Congresses International medical societies Online courses
Ghent Summer School of Health & Migration Lectures and interactive workshops Social activities Visiting the medieval city of Bruges! 450€ registration fee Included in the price are: educational and social activities, accommodation, and meals 7 th of July – 16 th of July
Copenhagen School of Global Health Lectures, case studies, group work and workshops A course certificate issuance based on at least 80% participation 417€ registration fee Covering the course 3 – 14 August 2015
IFMSA Exchange Program One month period Research Exchange Professional Exchange
International Student Congress of (Bio)Medical Sciences A pre-course for mastering your research Hands-on workshops An extensive social program Fees for Universal pass, Social program, etc. ISCOMS Research Fellowships (IRF)! University Medical Center of Groningen 2 nd – 5 th June 2015
Job opportunities Conferences
United Nations
American Association for Cancer Research Membership Annual Meeting Workshops
Online Courses
Internship A new approach Lab/Bench Research Clinical Research
The frustrating process Sent 100 s Received 20 responses No available position this coming summer Cannot fund No short term internships No vacancies for interns Don’t have time and space to add an intern A great person to have around!
Internship Getting an internship vs. applying for graduate studies No test of English No fees No admission committee
Sending s
Dear Professor ***, My name is *** and I’m a senior undergraduate student of *** at University of Tehran. I am writing you because I am interested to pursue a research career at your lab. My minor is in *** and I have extensive course work and research experience in the area of ***. The *** program at UofT is very competitive, but I’ve been able to rank *** among my class last semester. I am of the opinion that your lab is the best fit to my background and skill set. I have also gone through your research web page and I found myself particularly interested in your *** research. I have attached my resume for your reference. I was wondering if you have available positions for summer I am a quick learner and I’m certain that I can use my skills to contribute to your research projects at an early stage. Please let me know if you need any further information and feel free to contact *** at *** for reference. Best Regards, ***
Statement of Purpose
The art of being different!
Difference We are all unique and different. Showing the different is what matters. The thin boundary between good difference & bad difference Do not show that you’re trying to be different
Some Solutions Think Spend time Be creative Do not imitate See samples
Be Orderly Write everything To-Do Lists Calendar Excel Sheets Priorities Sacrifice
No one is fault free! My GPA is low My English is poor My resume is empty
Be Bold and Confident
University of Louisville University of Florida
Visa Mission United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Mission Turkey (Ankara) Mission Armenia (Yerevan) All you need is an invitation letter
Costs Dubai United States Flight Lodging Other living expenses