Youth Programme - Action 2 European Voluntary Service An opportunity offered by the European Commission to all youngsters between 18 and 25 to do voluntary work in another country for a period of 6 to 12 months A completely free experience for the volunteer What EVS is…..
The partners THE VOLUNTEER THE SENDING ORGANISATION chooses the country where he/she wants to do EVS chooses the kind of project that is most suited for him/her chooses the duration of the project look for a host project thanks to the support of a sending organisation gives the volunteer detailed information about EVS gives help to find a host project (European database) offers personal assistance contacts the hosting organisations fill in the sending application pays the travel costs
The partners THE HOST ORGANISATION THE COORDINATING ORGANISATION As a general rule, the coordinating organisation supports the host organisation in the following matters: - preliminary contacts with the volunteer and the sending organisation - filling in of all the documents needed to host an evs volunteer - contacts with the Youth National Agency Board Lodging Tutor Linguistic training during the whole period of voluntary work Monthly pocket money (about 165 €)
COMMUNITY GRANTS SENDING ORGANISATION Fixed amount of 640 € + 24 € per month of voluntary service Travel costs for one return ticket Exceptional costs HOST ORGANISATION Fixed amount of 640 € € per month of voluntary service Pocket Money – about 165 € per month of voluntary service Exceptional costs On-arrival training session (minimum 5 EVS volunteers) up to 800 € per volunteer
The “Kara Bobowski” and EVS Host organisation o Since 1998 o Volunteers hosted till now: 54 Sending organisation o Since 1999 o Volunteers sent till now: 5 Coordinating organisation o Since 2000 o Volunteers hosted till now: 45 o Hosting organisations: 5 (1 parish in Forlì, 1 religious order in Imola, 1 Foundation in Imola, 1 Social Co-operative in Faenza, 1 voluntary association in Modigliana) Contact organisation o Since 2001 Province of Forlì-Cesena Province of Rimini
Contact organisation - Details Province of Forlì-Cesena Coordinating organisation Portico/San Benedetto Host organisation Kara Bobowski Contact organisation Host project 1 Host project 2 1 volunteer
Province of Rimini Coordinating organisation Host organisation 1 Kara Bobowski Contact organisation Host organisation 2 Host organisation 3 Host project 2Host project 3 Host project 1 1 or more volunteers Contact organisation - Details
A Local/Pubblic Authority can be: A Sending organisation (giving help to the youngsters living in its area to join this opportunity) A Hosting organisation (themes: youth information/equal opportunities…) A Coordinating organisation (supporting the organisations of its area in hosting volunteers) A Promoting organisation (giving information to the youngsters/ youth leaders/youth organisations living and working in its area youth leaders/youth organisations living and working in its area on the “Youth” Programme and, in particular, on EVS): on the “Youth” Programme and, in particular, on EVS): How can a Local/Pubblic Authority work with EVS? Information office Seminars (at local level) Meetings in the secondary schools Contact making seminars
Action 5 – SUPPORT MEASURES Support Measures aim at helping all those involved in youth activities or interested in youth matters to prepare and develop projects and initiatives within the context of the YOUTH programme. Support Measures have the following aims: To assist the development of the three major Actions of the YOUTH programme (Youth for Europe, European Voluntary Service and Youth Initiatives) through the support of training, cooperation and information projects. To contribute to achieving the objectives of the YOUTH programme as well as fostering and strengthening European youth policy. To support capacity building and innovation with regard to international training and co-operation in the field of youth work. All Support Measures must be non-profit-making.
Who can participate? Support Measures are open to: youth workers trainers support persons mentors project managers youth leaders groups of young people other actors involved or interested in non-formal education Non-profit-making organisations and public authorities experienced in the field of youth and non-formal education, as well as groups of young people who get together to set up a project All activities must involve at least one EU Member State. Activities can take place in any of the countries involved in the project.
IT IS POSSIBLE TO APPLY FOR THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: 1. Practical training experience (job shadowing) This activity allows youth workers to acquire the skills for organising a transnational project by working in a partner organisation for a limited period of time. 2. Feasibility visits These allow project managers to discuss a project idea before submitting an application under Actions 1 or 2 and 5 for creating and strengthening partnerships between organisations in the framework of YOUTH. 3. Contact-making seminars These bring together potential partners for YOUTH projects. 4. Study visits These provide an opportunity to learn about youth work provisions in other countries.
5. Seminars These are a tool for the exchange of experience and good practice, consultations or policy development etc. with regard to the YOUTH programme and youth policy. 6. Training courses These help those involved in youth work and non-formal education to acquire advanced skills and knowledge for their activities. 7. Youth information This activity supports the production of and innovative ways of communicating information relating to the objectives and priorities of the YOUTH programme. 8. Transnational partnerships and networks This activity supports the creation of new networks and the strengthening and widening of existing networks under the YOUTH programme. 9. Support for capacity building and innovation This activity supports innovative ways of enhancing capacity building in youth work.