COMMUNICATION STYLE Greeks tend to speak quite loudly and with a lot of emotions.
Greeks live their lives with an exclamation point.
GESTURES Thumbs down is usually considered rude.
The open hand facing outward is also considered offensive.
This hand sign (three fingers up, index and thumb touching) is obscene.
WELCOME TOPICS OF CONVERSATION Passing along a compliment or showing interest in learning more about the impact of Greece in the world
Anything related to Greece’s history
The great people and philosophers from Greece
The distinct Greek Cuisine and drink
Architecture, the progressive Greek cities, scenery and nature
Mentioning Manchester or Liverpool is a great ice-breaker.
CONVERSATION TO AVOID Let Greeks bring up the conversation about politics.
Cyprus and Turkey are touchy subjects as well.
They do not appreciate the criticisms about their society or daily life by outsiders.
Anything negative about their food or coffee
DAILY LIFE Be prepared for changes and delays.
Drink ouzo in small doses
HOMOSEXUALITY The acceptance of homosexuality is making its way Eastward very slowly.
MARRIAGE WITH AN OLDER WOMAN Disapproval of a young man falling in love with an older woman
MARRIAGE WITH A NON-GREEK You must marry a fellow Hellene in order to keep the culture and bloodline going.
THE STAY-AT-HOME DAD According to many Greeks, it’s considered taboo for the husband to stay at home and watch the kids while his wife works.
CALLING F.Y.R.O.M “MACEDONIA” You will never hear somebody utter the word “Macedonia” when referring to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
SEEING BOYS WITH EARRINGS Older people don’t tolerate a Greek guy wearing an earring.
GOSSIP Believe everything you hear