The Arab-Israeli conflict
The cause of the conflict His home is in the 40th years of XX century and is connected with the problem of the establishment in Palestine of Jewish and Arab states. This decision was taken by the General Assembly November 29, However, this decision was initially rejected and the neighboring Arab states and the Arab population of Palestine itself. The Arabs did not accept in principle the idea of Jewish return to Palestine, believing that its territory
How long the conflict lasted This is one of the most long-lasting regional conflicts today than 60 years. In general, the history of the conflict can be divided into several key stages: the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 (first war), the Suez crisis of 1956 (second war), the Arab-Israeli war of 1967 and (3 and 4 of the Arab-Israeli wars), Camp David peace process , The war in Lebanon in 1982 (the fifth war), the process of peaceful settlement of the 90s (the Camp David Accords in 2000) and intifada in 2000, which began September 29, 2000, and is often defined by experts as the "sixth war" or a "war of attrition"
The brutality of Israel Hezbollah has killed more than 160 soldiers of Israel, when Israel is only 80 Hezbollah fighters okolo1000 Lebanese civilians (ie, more than 70% of those killed were Lebanese civilians, the indicators, once again we prove the cruelty of Israeli military). August 11 the UN issued a resolution on a ceasefire and is 14 August war ended in victory for Hezbollah. In the area of conflict, the UN sent 5000 soldiers. Israeli Chief of General Staff Dan Halutz said that "Israel will reject Lebanon for 20 years." And so it happened, the war completely destroyed the infrastructure of Lebanon, throwing it 20 years ago. It was put out of action more than 160 bridges and 200 highway.