The potential of Augmented Reality (AR) for libraries: Possibilities, challenges and impact
Learning objectives: To explore the main features of the Aurasma app To identify different types of library materials that can be integrated in the app To highlight the impact on the stakeholders of your service To discuss the pros and cons in a school library setting
What is Augmented Reality? Simple definition of AUGMENTED REALITY AR is the term used to describe an enhanced view of real life by overlaying computer-generated content. This computer- generated ‘virtual content’ can be almost anything – video, 3D models, dynamic web content – and it can be triggered by an image, a location or a combination of the two. Quick overview (video):
What content can be activated/viewed with the AR app?
How do you trigger the AR content?
Examples of Augmented Reality Book Reviews: 3D Models: Sequence auras &list=PLtEGYMIEL- tDtt8XjMKjGBYERdesO2hZL&index=17
Different stakeholders, Different applications. How can you target the following stakeholders? Reluctant readers SEN / EALMore Able ParentsRecruitmentSMT/Governors Teaching StaffLocal CommunityYourself
QUICK SWOT ANALYSIS: PROS VS CONS Strengths: -Tap into growing smartphone market -More interactive relationship with the customer (i.e. quizzes & competitions, push best deal, contact you directly, etc.). Increase service loyalty. -Richer user experience -Captivate the audience -Research has shown that AR increases the perceived value of products and brands -Branding: convey an image of innovation and responsiveness. -Maximise expertise -Shareability -AR is inexpensive -Because AR is still so new, companies are providing a lot of space for your content Opportunities: -using geo-targeting AR to locate library areas/sections -3D modelling for navigation or training purposes (i.e. different parts and functions of a specialised device) -Virtual product demo (i.e. explain special collections) -augmented induction processes for new HE students in a campus environment -increase engagement in learning by augmenting historical and cultural locations and/or displays -AR can act as a virtual instructor (i.e. study skills, online resources, etc.) -Activate and promote the content that you generate (i.e. book trailers, audio and video book recommendations, links to youtube) -Archival potential -Prepare the library for the technology of the future (i.e. Google glasses)
QUICK SWOT ANALYSIS: PROS VS CONS Weaknesses: -Expertise to produce AR content: 3D artists, audio-visual professionals, developers, etc. -There is currently no interoperability between the different AR apps -Change the nature or atmosphere of the library space by becoming a “busy” space (images, 3D models, etc.). All this competes for the customers’ attention -Customers must follow your channel in order to access your content. Commercial accounts to overcome this are available but more costly. -Copyright: careful use of free images licensing or generate your own -AR is based on good image recognition of the phone/tablet camera: ideally it needs a good rear camera (2MP or higher) -Minimum operating system for Android: 4.0 (Jellybean) -Size limit fo content that you can upload (max. 100 MB) Threats: -Would-be users must be educated about AR’s capabilities: think staff, time and resources -Services could be held back in their augmented reality deployments by employees unwilling to learn the new systems -Identify the right stakeholders: developing AR is time-consuming and must be carefully targeted at the right group to start with -Long-term application not guaranteed: the content is hosted on a platform that may disappear. Think archival agreement and access to content in worst-case scenario. -Because AR is still so new, companies are providing a lot of space for your content. This may not stay the same when they are more established.
Aurasma at a glance It’s free Available for both iPad and Android devices system Minimum operating system for Android: 4.0 (Jellybean) Compatible formats: mainly MP4, JPEG, PNG You can upload up to 100MG videos/images It needs a good rear camera (2MP or higher) for image recognition