Sleep Hygiene for Children with Developmental Disabilities Julie Sutton. RNLD 3 Year PHD research project
Research Aim: To develop an evidence based sleep hygiene education intervention for parents of primary school aged (3-10 years) children with DD’s experiencing behavioural sleep problems To develop the evidence base for sleep hygiene education in treating behavioural sleep problems in primary school aged (3-10 years) children with developmental disabilities Research sponsored by RCBC Wales. Supervisors – Professor Jane Noyes and Professor Richard Hastings
What is sleep hygiene?
Good sleep hygiene is not….
Sleep hygiene definition To develop an “a set of sleep-related behaviours that expose persons to activities and cues that prepare them for and promote appropriately timed and effective sleep” (Meltzer and Mindell 2004) evidence based sleep hygiene education intervention for parents of primary school aged (3-10 years) children with DD’s experiencing behavioural sleep problems “A set of sleep-related behaviours that expose persons to activities and cues that prepare them for and promote appropriately timed and effective sleep” Meltzer and Mindell (2004)
To develop an “a set of sleep-related behaviours that expose persons to activities and cues that prepare them for and promote appropriately timed and effective sleep” (Meltzer and Mindell 2004) evidence based sleep hygiene education intervention for parents of primary school aged (3-10 years) children with DD’s experiencing behavioural sleep problems The research project Pre clinical Phase: Mixed method systematic review Phase 1: Semi-structured interviews with stakeholders and intervention development work Phase 2: Small scale exploratory trial Phase 3: Development of protocol for main RCT
To develop an “a set of sleep-related behaviours that expose persons to activities and cues that prepare them for and promote appropriately timed and effective sleep” (Meltzer and Mindell 2004) evidence based sleep hygiene education intervention for parents of primary school aged (3-10 years) children with DD’s experiencing behavioural sleep problems The sytematic review. The review questions: 1.Definition of behavioural sleep problems 2.Supporting theory 3.Sleep assessment processes 4.Components of SHE 5.Effectiveness of SHE 6.Outcomes and outcome measures 7.Experiences of families and professionals
To develop an “a set of sleep-related behaviours that expose persons to activities and cues that prepare them for and promote appropriately timed and effective sleep” (Meltzer and Mindell 2004) evidence based sleep hygiene education intervention for parents of primary school aged (3-10 years) children with DD’s experiencing behavioural sleep problems The systematic review Systematically searching databases Reviewing currently available SHE tools and service evaluations Streaming the evidence by type to answer the review questions Using a combination of synthesis methods to analyse the data and draw conclusions
Some preliminary findings:
Observational studies Literature reviews Professional opinion Before & after studies RCT’s Systematic reviews Qualitative studies
Sleep hygiene education How well might the evidence answer review questions?
Sleep hygiene education “So what?”
To improve sleep outcomes for children with DD’s The scale of the problem: Sleep problems affect around 80% of children with DD’s Likely to be severe and enduring; problems occurring between 3 and 4 times a week and can last into adulthood Significant impact on their already compromised cognitive development Significant impact on behaviour and mood
To develop an “a set of sleep-related behaviours that expose persons to activities and cues that prepare them for and promote appropriately timed and effective sleep” (Meltzer and Mindell 2004) evidence based sleep hygiene education intervention for parents of primary school aged (3-10 years) children with DD’s experiencing behavioural sleep problems Sleep hygiene education An under-used intervention?
To develop an “a set of sleep-related behaviours that expose persons to activities and cues that prepare them for and promote appropriately timed and effective sleep” (Meltzer and Mindell 2004) evidence based sleep hygiene education intervention for parents of primary school aged (3-10 years) children with DD’s experiencing behavioural sleep problems Please get in touch….