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developed by Xerox in 1973–1975 standardized as IEEE has replaced token ring, FDDI and ARCNET usually uses twisted pair cable ( RJ-45) eITnotes.com
BASISLANMANWAN Full formLocal area network Metropolitan area network Wide area network Geographical span Operates in small area such as same building or campus. Operates in large area such as city. Operates over large area such as country or continent. OwnershipUsually privately owned Privately or public owned Usually public owned eITnotes.com
BASISLANMANWAN Setup costVery cheapModerate cost Very costly Error rateVery lowmoderateHigh Transmission media Is usually wires such as coaxial cable or UTP Can be wires or telephone lines Because of long distance medium can be PSTN or satellite speedhighModerateLow Internet working devices Hub, switch, bridge, repeater Router, gateways Router, gatways eITnotes.com
BASISLANMANWAN ExampleLAN is used in offices or in college campus MAN is used scale telephone service and cable TV in a city. WAN is used for internet- working i.e. internet. eITnotes.com
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