Chapter Two: Early Greece Cultures and Values, 6th Ed. Cunningham and Reich
History of Early Greece The Heroic Age The Age of Colonization The Archaic Period
[Image 2.1] Zeus (Poseidon?)
Homer and the Heroic Age Significance of the Polis Religion, Mythology and Folklore Art & Literature vs. Prayer
The Iliad & The Odyssey “the Homeric question” Oral Tradition Iliad Epithets, Elaborate Similes Iliad Theme of Human Responsibility Odyssey Return of the Epic Hero
Art and Society Painted Vases Amphoras Protogeometric (1000-900 B.C.E.) Concentric circles, semi-circles Geometric (900-700 B.C.E.) Linear designs, the meander Human Forms (~800 B.C.E.) Amphoras
Age of Colonization Prosperity of City-States Competition, Image Wealth + Over-Population = Colonization Italy, Sicily, Egypt, Asia Minor Trade and Cultural Exposure Orientalizing
Visual Arts at Corinth and Athens Corinthian Art Eastern Motifs Commercially Successful Athenian Art Narrative style (Myth, Daily Life) Trade Rivalry: Corinth vs. Athens
The Beginnings of Greek Sculpture Near Eastern and Egyptian influences Kore, Kouros Increasing Realism, Naturalism Careful study of human anatomy Representation of Life and vigor
Sculpture and Painting in the Archaic Period Solon’s Legal Reformations Tyrants / Artistic Patronage Artistic Developments Freestanding Figures High & Low Relief Carvings The “Archaic Smile” Vase Painting Black- and Red-Figure Styles
[Image 2.9] Calf-Bearer
[Image 2.10] Peplos Kore
[Image 2.13] Kritios Boy
[Image 2.15] Euphronios, painter, Euxitheos, potter, red-figure calyx krater
Architecture: The Doric Order Simple dignity No Base/20 flutes Capital Echinus, Abacus Entablature Architrave, frieze, triglyphs/metopes Cornice, Pediment
[Image 2.16] Basilica at Paestum
Architecture: The Ionic Order Ornate, fanciful Tiered Base/24 flutes Capital Volutes 3-D Architraves Running Frieze
Music and Dance in Early Greece Doctrine of Ethos (Musical Theory) Dorian, Phrygian modes Music=Primarily vocal Paean, dithyramb Instrumentation Cithera, aulos Significance of Narratives Music and Dance
Literature and Philosophy Hesiod Theogony, Works and Days Lyric verse vs. Heroic verse Sappho Presocratics Materialists, Pythagoreanism, Dualists, Atomists Herodotus (Father of History) Right over Might
Chapter 2: Discussion Questions What significant differences exist between the cultures of the iron age and those of the bronze age? Explain. Consider the role of religion in Early Greece. What does Early Greek theology suggest about the concerns of the society? Explain. What were the causes for and the results of Greek colonization? Cite specific examples. Explain the new directions of art in the Archaic Period. What do these changes suggest about the culture that was producing and patronizing this art?