GLEC’s 4 – C5.0.2 Describe the relationship between rights and responsibilities of citizenship. 4 – C5.0.3 Explain why rights have limits.
Poem The Ten Amendments in Rhyme (The Bill of Rights) The Ten Amendments in Rhyme (The Bill of Rights) bpe244/ /001dq.gif
Websites This website is about the Bill of Rights that your students can explore and learn about its history _billofrights.htm _billofrights.htm This website talks about why rights have limits and how rights throughout history are limited resources/americapedia/americapedia- constitution/limits-on-rights/ resources/americapedia/americapedia- constitution/limits-on-rights/
Videos This video is about the basic rights and responsibilities of the citizens This video gives more in depth examples of rights and responsibilities
Bill of Rights Songs Lyrics on the screen This one explains some of the amendments more in depth
Games This game shows how you could be watched by the government and how some of your rights may be violated by it. resources/play-games/ resources/play-games/
Teacher Books These books have good Information for what the teacher should discuss in class for each topic in civics.
Activity and Textbooks All these books can be found in the CML
Citizen Responsibility Lessons This site has a lesson plan for teaching citizens responsibilities and other worksheets they can use to learn from. n-civics-unit-lesson-4-citizen-responsibilities-lesson- plan n-civics-unit-lesson-4-citizen-responsibilities-lesson- plan
Work Cited Becoming History: United States Constitution. (n.d.). Monroe, CT: Really Good Stuff Publishing. Citizenship. (2004). In American Government On File (Revised ed., pp ). N.p.: Facts On File Inc. Farstvedt, D., Downey, S., Miller, B., Kluesner, G., Stephens, E. C., & Schlicht, C. (2003). Connect-It: Core Democratic Values. Auburn Hills, MI: EDCO Publishing Inc. "Part 4 Civil Liberties." Government/Economics Series. N.p.: Performance Education, Print. Sundem, G., & Pikiewicz, K. (2007 ). Celebrating Constitution Day. Huntington Beach, CA: Shell Educational Publishing. Tamblyn, C. (n.d.). Democracy in Action (pp ). N.p.: Weekly Reader Publishing.