Economics of Native America: The Current State and Basic Statistics
American Indian and Alaskan Native Population
Cities with Largest Number of Native Americans
Counties with Largest Percentage of Native Americans
American Indian Population by Residence
Largest Tribal Groups
Family Poverty Rate AIAN on Reservations47.3%35.6% AIAN in all Indian Areas38.1%28.7% AIAN U.S. wide27.0%21.8% All Races U.S. wide10.0%9.2% Child Poverty Rate AIAN on Reservations55.5%44.2% AIAN in all Indian Areas47.7%37.4% AIAN U.S. wide38.8%31.6% All Races U.S. wide18.3%16.6% Deep Poverty Rate (Proportion of people living at less than 75% of poverty level All races on Reservations18.7%16.8% All Races U.S. wide7.5%7.8% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 1990 Summary Tape File 3
U.S. Department of Census Statistical Brief: Housing of American Indians on Reservations - Plumbing, April 1995
Percent Distribution of Population 25+ Source: Ogunwole, Stella “We the People: American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States”, Census 2000 Special Reports February 2006
AI US Teen Birth Rate 8.4% 4.6% Low Birth Weights 6.8% 7.6% High Birth Weights 12.7% 10.3% Live Births Receiving Early Prenatal Care 68.8% 82.8% Infant Mortality Rate 95-97(#deaths under 1 yr/1,000 live births) SIDS Death Rate 94-96(#deaths/100,000 live births) Diabetes Mellitus (#/100,000 residential pop.) Cirrohsis Deaths (#/100,000 residential pop.) Suicide (#/100,000 residential pop.) HIV Deaths (#/100,000 residential pop.) Heart Disease (#/100,000 residential pop.) Source: Piegan Institute, “Native America at the New Millenium” Public Health Stats 1998
AI US Adult Incarceration 1997 (#in prison/1,000 resident pop) Arrests 1998 (#/1,000 resident pop) Juvenile Arrests 1998 (#/1,000 resident pop) Teen Cigarette Use in Past Month (1999) 26.8% 14.9% Teen Alcohol Use in Past Month (1999) 21.0% 18.6% Teen Illicit Drug Use in Past Month (1999) 19.6% 10.9% Source: Piegan Institute, “Native America at the New Millenium” Crime/Drug Use Stats
Source: USDA, “Rural Poverty at a Glance” Rural Areas & Poverty
Source: USDA, “Rural Poverty at a Glance” Rural Vs. Urban
Source: USDA, “Rural Poverty at a Glance” Poverty Rates by Race and Area
Source: USDA, “Rural Poverty at a Glance” Poverty Rates by Household Type
Source: USDA, “Rural Poverty at a Glance” Poverty Rates by County
Percentage of U.S. Coal Reserve30% Percentage of U.S. Uranium Deposits40% Percentage of U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Deposits4% Acres of Grazing Range 44,298,390 Number of natural lakes and ponds 5,770 Acres of developed oil, gas and mineral resources 765,706 Source: Patrick, Durham, “Snapshot of Indian Country” Native American Fish and Wildlife Society, June 18, 1999.