Rev SYBASE ASE: SYSMON PARSER Sybase Administration Tools available at: mailto:
The tools posted on the blog will require the same setup: 1.Sybase Client installed (for tools connecting to ASE server). 2.Administrative login user (for tools doing ASE administration). 3.A set of two or more.dll files supplied with the installation – performing licensing and environment operability checks. All the tools have been tested to run bug-free. Nonetheless, the tools are provided “as is.” Responsibility for running a tool lies with the user. Comments and bug reports are welcome. They will be addressed and rectified. Please send the comments either directly by mail or through the blog. As with any tool, it is recommended to start using it in the development environment before trying it on the Production Server. NOTE AND DISCLAIMER:
The tool is designed to parse and analyze reports generated by Sybase ASE sp_sysmon system procedure. The tool has been tested from 12.5.x through 15.7 ASE releases. The tool does not require Sybase ASE client to be present on the local host running the tool. The tool does require sp_sysmon report files to be present. The tool allows focusing on a desired subsection of metrics from one or more sp_sysmon generated report files in order to compare them across multiple reports. The metrics may be displayed, compared, reviewed in graph and exported to csv file for further review. ASE SYSMON PARSER: QUICK INFO
[Select Sysmon Counters] tab is designed to setup the desired selection of metrics on the basis of which the tool will parse sp_sysmon output files. Using the tool for the first time must start here. Select “Load Sysmon File” and then “Parse Sections” This will result in all the available sysmon metrics displayed in the bottom-most table. Each of the metrics may be selected (select the row and press “Add Counter”) Sysmon report counters may be selected one by one or by “Matching” with the desired pattern. For each counter its “Type” must be chosen. The list of selected counters may be exported or saved as template configuration (“Save Counters”/”Export Sections”) Pre-set templates may be loaded “as is” into the parser (SysmonParser.ini template is loaded automatically on tool’s startup). The parsing is performed on the basis of the counters selected. STARTUP: SECTIONS SELECTION
[Select Sysmon Files] tab is designed to direct SysmonParser tool to the list of files one wishes to parse (must be present locally). Select “Add Sysmon Files” Select sp_sysmon generated report file(s) you wish to parse. Any file added to the list may be deleted from the list by selecting it and pressing [delete] keyboard key. The parsing is performed on the basis of the files selected. Parsing is the outcome of subtracting specified counters from all available counters in the files specified to the tool ([counter] [counter type] intersection in a single report file). STARTUP: REPORT FILES SELECTION
[Digest Sysmon Counters] tab is designed to start applying the selected view to the sp_sysmon report files. Select “Start Parsing of Sysmon Files” The tool will generate a table of the counters parsed across the report files specified. An average for each counter will also be displayed. The resulting data may be either exported or inspected for correlations. Rows in the resulting table may be moved (drag and drop) or deleted to eliminate useless data. DIGEST: METRICS PARSED
It is possible to select two metrics at a time to see correlation between the selected metrics. The metrics are selected either from the selection in the drop boxes, or by moving from row to row in the table. To display the correlation (or a single graph) select the metrics and press “Display”. For reports spanning more than one day, deselect “Time Only” check box. DIGEST: METRICS COMPARED
The tool is being reworked from time to time to address changes in the ASE and align it better with ASE administrators needs. In order to make the software better and more convenient your feedback is encouraged. Feedback and bug reports may be made either directly to or posted as comments to the tool page published on the blog. The blog is available at More tools are available there, as well as general comments on Sybase ASE, RS (and in future IQ) products. You are welcome to post your own ideas there which may be later transformed into customized tools and posted there for download. SYSMON PARSER: FEEDBACKS