Yoga- is an ancient art based harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit. The continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at one with their environment. ( Yoga means union, and comes from "yuj" which means "to join." Allowing people to bring together themselves in union to the various aspects of yoga. Yoga also recommends meditation, and cultivation of lovingness, compassion, goodwill and acceptance, as well as non-violence, truthfulness, training the senses, non-possessiveness, and other such virtues. Religions also recommend such virtues, but it is self evident that these ways of being or living are not truly themselves. When these virtues are practiced in Yoga, the subtler, finer, truer aspects of our being are revealed to us, in which may or may not be seen in the context of religion. That choice rests with each individual person (
Yoga as a Religious Exercise Yoga stands for “Joining.” Joining oneself to God and allowing yourself to be more open and free to him. The practice of Meditation, allows oneself to become closer to your chosen religion or God through the spirituality that yoga brings to you. People strive to become closer to their Lord through church, community service, and even yoga. Yoga allows a person “to join” a spiritual connection with their beliefs and their religion. Therefore this ancient practice releases stress and bad thoughts and opens their mind up to their lord and their beliefs. As a result, yoga strengthens and purifies the mind, body, and soul, which allows the person to be more willing and more acceptable of the teachings and practices of the lord.
Different Yoga Positions Utkatasana- awkward chair position Bhujangasana- Cobra Pose Plank Pose Virabhadrasana I- Warrior I Vrksasana- Tree Pose
The Benefits Of Yoga Increasing Flexibility Increasing lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons Massaging of ALL Organs of the Body Complete Detoxification Excellent toning of the muscles
Yoga Any Further Questions? Questions For YOU: -Do you feel that Yoga is a religious practice? Why or Why not. -Do you feel that yoga could help you in your life today?