AD 570- Mohammed is born in Mecca Mecca- on west coast of Arabia, trading and pilgrimage town, Ka’aba (cube) AD 595- Mohammed marries Kadijah, a wealthy business woman, after working for her AD 610- Mohammed becomes interested in religion- meditates in cave- has visions of Archangel Gabriel telling him he would be a messenger of God- begins to preach monotheism in Mecca
Mohammed and followers are persecuted in Mecca- many followers killed AD 622- Hegira- “flight” or “migration” from Mecca to Medina with followers After Hegira, religion comes to be called Islam, “to surrender to God” and followers Muslim, “the surrendering ones”
Mohammed begins to lead raids against Meccan caravans His victories begin to attract many Bedouin followers Within 10 years, most Bedouins are Muslim AD 630- Mohammed and an army of 10,000 followers take Mecca Mohammed destroys all idols in the Ka’aba except for the Black Stone Most of Arabian Peninsula is Muslim by this point
Iberian Peninsula North Africa (Carthaginians & Berbers) Egypt Palestine Mesopotamia Lands of the Persian Empire Arabia
Passion in Faith (Jihad) Arabia overpopulated Resistance weak (Byzantium & Persia at war)
Two classes based on Arab ethnicity for Muslims Lower classes of other religions with greater tolerance of Jews and Christians (People of the Book) in the early years Became less of an Empire of Believers and more like past empires (political and financial goals)
Caliphs- successors to the prophet Orthodox Caliphate Umayyad Caliphate Abbasid Caliphate
AD Four Caliphs- all knew the prophet personally or were related to him Islam’s wars of conquest launched under these Caliphs
Abu Bakr- 1 st Caliph, ordered writing of the Koran Omar- Conquered Syria, Egypt, most of Persia- stabbed to death by a Christian slave Uthman- killed by rebel muslims Ali- assassinated
AD Umayyads killed the Prophet’s grandson, Husayn, during their rise to power Fleets attack Constantinople- held off by Greek Fire Conquered Berbers of north Africa Berbers help to invade Spain in AD 711 Spain conquered in 7 years (AD 718) Conquered to the Indus River in the east Rebellion kills all but one of the Umayyads, who escapes to Spain
AD Came to power through rebellion against Umayyads Leader of revolt descended from Abbas, the Prophet’s uncle Emphasized link to the Prophet Supported by Persians Beginning of Sunni- Shi’a split
Shi’ite- Early support of Abbasids, believed Husayn had been rightful heir and that descendants of the Prophet should lead Islam Sunni- “orthodox” – hostility with Shi’ites
Faith- Shahadah Prayer- Salah- 5 times a day facing Mecca Fasting- Sawm- during Ramadam Alms- Zakah Pilgrimage- Hajj- to Mecca once in life
Belief in God Belief in His Angels Belief in His Books- Scrolls, Torah, Psalms, Gospels (Injeel), Koran Belief in His Prophets/Messengers Belief in the Day of Judgement Belief in God’s Divine Decree