Unit 5 Stamp Project
Stamp Project Requirements You must pick a person or event from Unit 5 (Create a stamp about a person who was a leader, or an event where someone had to be heroic.) You will create a rough draft of your stamp and a paragraph to go along with your work. Your final draft will include your stamp and the paragraph on the back. The paragraph should describe the 5 W’s of the person or event. Turn in your final draft with your rough draft stapled to the back.
Hints! All U.S. stamps have a number in one of the corners representing the price of the stamp. For example, the 44 in a corner tells us that the stamp costs 44¢. All U.S. stamps have either U.S. or United States on it somewhere. If you would like, you can put TX or Texas instead. All U.S. stamps have ridges around the corners.
How You Will Be Graded Content Accuracy (Your pictures included in your stamp actually relate to the person or event you have chosen) – 20 points Creativity/Neatness (I can tell you took time and put forth effort) – 20 points Paragraph (Includes 5 sentences, explains the 5w’s of the person or event) – 50 points Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation – 10 points