Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 1 UCLA/Getty Summer Institute for Knowledge Sharing (OAC) Howard Besser UCLA School of Education & Information Robin Chandler California Digital Library
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 2 UCLA/Getty Summer Institute for Knowledge Sharing Aggregations & Partnerships: CDL & OAC- _ Digitization means new audiences _ Using Finding Aids to make resources available
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 3 Digitization means New Audiences _ A broader audience for –Miner’s map in a local historical society –Correspondence that was part of a larger folder –Photo buried deep within an archival box _ Idea: make objects that never received item-level cataloging accessible to people
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 4 MOA2/OAC Access OPAC Finding Aids List Collectn level record Finding Aid Digital Objects
Search Result in Fowler Museum Finding Aid
Search Result in Berkeley Art Museum Finding Aid
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 7 Utility of Image Browsing ^ _ _ implications of Image Browsing for Cataloging
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 8 Merging different types of collections _ Library photo collections _ Library manuscript collections _ Museum image collections _ Museum object collections _ Archive manuscript collections
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Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 10 Further OAC Discussion _ More pieces of OAC –CDL Best Practices –Access to online Finding Aids- _ Broader Implications of OAC and similar projects- –utility of image browsing –Digitization means new audiences –New users’ lack of familiarity with Finding Aids –searching across finding aids _ More general issues of digital projects-
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 11 Proposed EAD enhancements for diverse groups (Anne Gilliland-Swetland) _ Subject searching _ Name searching _ Geographic location searching _ Physical form or genre searching _ Bottom-up searching
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 12 New Users ^ _ Don’t understand Finding Aids _ Expect DB-type access rather than hierarchical context _ [[ cal-heritage.html]]
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 13 Dealing with one aspect of ‘New User’ requirements ^ _ Searching across Finding Aids tionView;hf=0?DwebQuery=ferry okView;hf=0?DwebQuery=ferry&DwebSearchAll=1 okTextView/620;hf=0?DwebQuery=ferry&DwebSearchAll=1#X okTextView/7526;hf=0?DwebQuery=ferry&DwebSearchAll=1#X]]
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Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 19 Museum Online Archive of California -- Goals _ Access to Museum Collections _ Use of Encoded Archival Description (EAD) for Museums _ Integration of primary source access across institution types _ Scalable production methods
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 20 Participants _ 8 Museums –Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive –Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology –Oakland Museum fo California –UCLA Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts –UCR/California Museum of Photography –Bancroft Library –UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History –Stanford University Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts –Japanese American National Museum
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 21 Collection goals _ 29 Collections _ 73,000 images –Paintings & drawings –Sculpture & ceramics –Masks, textiles, cultural objects –Artists books –Photographs & stereographs –Audio & video
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 22 Unique Outcomes _ Finding Aids for museum collections _ Integration of item & collection level information _ Presentation & navigation of multi-media
Besser & Chandler--UCLA/Getty Summer Instit-OAC 8/9/01 23 Methods _ Standards based (EAD, SGML, XML, REACH, LCSH, AAT) _ Digital Asset Mgmt. Database –Automated markup –Connections to collection mgmt. DBs –Image workflow –Export to EAD