Addictions Survey Results Prepared by Philippa Pictou, November 2012
Addiction Survey Question One 1) Please circle what you feel are the 3 most serious addictions issues in Pictou Landing? Parents using drugs and unable to care for children Parents needing help to deal with youth who are using drugs Lack of Programs to help Youth who are using drugs Lack of Programs for adults who are using drugs Overprescribing by doctors Drug dealing in the community Trading/sharing prescriptions Fear of reporting to police Violence Unsafe needle disposal Criminal behaviour (theft, break-in, assault etc) Accessibility to treatment programs (cultural, transportation, wait times etc) Other
1)What are the three most serious addictions issues in PLFN?
Question 2 2) Please circle what you think are the 3 main reasons that people do not report activities to the police? Fear of retaliation Being labeled a rat Nothing will happen anyway Fear of child welfare involvement Fear of having to be a witness in court Not wanting a friend or family member to go to jail or be charged Not wanting to get involved Small community - don’t want people to think I am stirring up trouble Other
2) What are the 3 main reasons that people do not report activities to police?
Question 3 3) Which workshops would you be most interested in attending? information about drugs and their effects information sessions about what supports are available, and how to access them Mental health and addictions How to report crime or information to law enforcement? Other
3) Which workshops would you be interested in attending?
Question 4 4) What supports do you think are needed in Pictou Landing to help families, youth and adults dealing with addictions?
What services and supports people said were needed Detox in community More programs, rehabs, Detox etc. need to be more accessible to our community Alcohol/Drug addiction services To help them not lose their kids Specialized councilors, drug, gambling and alcohol abuse Try to get more help for the community Help for families dealing with an addict Counseling for the addict Make it easier for people that really want the help to get off the needles and onto the methadone program Support group for all abusers; but in different categories – alcohol, methadone, opiates, pills etc. Support groups Give them the help for what they need It would be good to have a traditional pharmacy of some sort A workshop for youth about the consequences for criminal actions It will be beneficial for kids to see their parents get help
What people said was needed for prevention and recreation We need more youth programs, this will keep our youth busy more youth activities to stop crime Recreation Focus groups Family support groups more recreation, things to do for youth, culture More things to do within the community Recreation Actually spend recreation monies on recreation Our youth are bored Bring back old traditional activities More employment More Lnu sport tournaments Recreation activities Set the basketball nets backup regardless There should be more activities for the kids like a youth center – having the gym open I think if we can bring back more culture to our community like how to build a sweat and conduct it, then we can instill more pride to our community members, helping them to also be more self sufficient! More cultural community events – A powwow once a year is not enough!
What people said about Regulation and Enforcement Penalties such as removal or eviction from houses which are being used as drug houses Ship the dealers out and enforce it and stick to it!! Drug testing youth Employee drug testing
Other concerns and comments were: NADACA is here to help but it doesn’t seem like they’re doing their job, they’re not targeting the problems in our community, and at times are unreachable. More information on how drugs effect your health Chief and Councillors, Health Center, Pictou Landing School and the community need to be more involved. RCMPs need to start taking this issue more seriously More knowledge who does what in community and what they are here for Families against drugs and the children will follow Chief and council need to step up and demand something be done about this drug problem I think Chief and Council fear targeting the drug dealers because they fear them and fear losing out on votes Everybody knows who sells the dope and nobody does anything Booze is being sold to kids on rez is a concern Alcohol is a major problem
Question 5 5)As part of the Health Planning Process the Health Center is forming a Health Advisory Committee to get feedback and input from the community on how to develop programs that best meet the community’s needs. Addictions is a very important area that requires careful planning. What ways would you be interested in participating? As part of the Health Advisory Group? Yes/No By attending a focus group to help develop a community addiction strategy? Yes/No By participating in a community addictions committee and/or forum? Yes/No Other If you would you like to be contacted by a Health Center Staff for an in-person discussion or to be involved with the Addictions Strategy please contact the Health Center at
Question 5 We collected names of people who want to participate