Task 1: Dec 31, 2013
Data Chosen for Use * Ferrari, Mark J., and Andrew Rudd. "Investing in Movies." Journal of Asset Management 9.1 (2008): JSTOR. Web. 7 Feb. 2015
Data Chosen for Use
Data Chosen For use
Calculating Multiple Average Worldwide Box Office Revenue Earned Per Dollar Invested (AWBOREDI) Broke data into three categories and calculated average multiple within each ◦Bear, Base, Bull
Revenue Streams and Percentages Worldwide Box Office (50%) Other (50%) ◦DVD ◦Blue Ray ◦DVD Rental ◦Blue Ray Rental ◦EST ◦VOD/PPV
Revenue Streams and Percentages *Palank, Michael. "2012 State of Media Presentation." 2012 State of Media Presentation. N.p., 11 Jan Web. 07 Feb
Revenue Attribution Per Year
Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Used industry averages CAPM model for Return on Equity ◦Risk Free rate – 3.6% ◦Beta – 1.57 ◦Market Risk Premium – 5% Cost of Debt ◦Moody’s bond rating Baa3 – 7% WACC – 8.63% rounded to 9%
Assigning Probabilities Ballpark Figure for Box Office Revenue: ◦$ million
Assigning Probabilities
Net Present Value NPV: $ 116,810,395
Task 2: Dec 16, 2014
Task #2: Threats from North Korea Specific Threats Adjust WACC to 10% ◦Reflect the additional uncertainty ◦Risk averse movie goers ◦Age groups ◦Recent events Alter the proportions relating to the scenarios ◦Reflect a higher chance of not earning incomes
Net Present Value NPV: $ 23,022,110
Task 3: Dec 20, 2013
Task 3: No Movies in Theaters Do not change ticket prices for movies Increase the DVD Prices Projected NPV is -$34million
Net Present Value NPV : ($34,324,099)
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