What is Videoconferencing? Videoconferencing is a medium where two or more people at different locations can meet face-to-face in real time. DallasParis
Videoconferencing Offers new possibilities to connect with guest speakers and experts. Can make relevant learning opportunities more accessible and exciting.
Module Focus This module demonstrates how videoconferencing can be used to obtain authentic information.
Discovery and Restoration Imagine taking a class on a field trip to gather information about a sunken ship. Imagine being able to ask questions of an expert. KEDT
Why Videoconference? Videoconferencing provides students with the opportunity to learn with experts rich in knowledge and experience. Such experts are often in distant places. Go to Featured Links to find out more about VideoconferencingVideoconferencing.
Why Videoconference? Videoconferencing provides students with an opportunity to observe the discovery of authentic artifacts in real time, which stimulates active learning behaviors. In Featured Links to find out more about Authentic ArtifactsAuthentic Artifacts. KEDT
Be Prepared… Do your homework... develop questions before the conference. Then... ask the experts. KEDT
Design a Videoconference Activity Conservation Restoration Methodology Artifact Excavation Reconstruction Learn about important archeological concepts Visit the Featured Links to find out more about Videoconferencing Sites for EducationVideoconferencing Sites for Education.
A Videoconference Activity Promotes: Attention – varied instruction sustains student interest Authenticity – interaction with the real world increases motivation
A Videoconference Activity Promotes: Confidence – success through participation Realistic Outcomes – authentic learning opportunities provide real world results TEA
A Videoconference Activity Promotes: Combining lecture with interactive learning activities ensures that content is covered while engaging students and giving them real world experiences.
A Videoconference Activity Promotes: Actively involving learners early and often requires student engagement in discussion. TEA
Planning for the Videoconference Develop a script Post an agenda Coordinate with staff: TEA
Planning for the Videoconference Assign authentic tasks Connect with experts Link to primary sources Create the learning environment: TEA
Planning for the Videoconference Develop interview questions Interview the expert Record answers Prepare to Interview the Experts: TEA
Site Preparation: Be sure all sites have the necessary hardware/software/supplies needed to deliver the videoconference. Be sure people in all sites, guests and students, are visible to one another. Go to Featured Links to check your Site PreparationSite Preparation.
How often should video- conferencing be used? Varies with content Varies with student activities TEA
Advantages of Videoconferencing 1. Student learning is impacted in several ways: Enhances student motivation. Is exciting or different, catches the student’s attention. Connects with the real world. Promotes student retention and learning. Accesses information from primary sources. Accommodates many learning styles.
Advantages of Videoconferencing 2. The planning required for videoconferencing contributes to the quality of student’s learning experience See the Featured Link on Desktop VideoconferencingDesktop Videoconferencing. TEA
Advantages of Videoconferencing 3. Students have the opportunity to interact with the experts in a particular field of study. Gain access to and retrieve information otherwise not accessible to students. Interact with people different from themselves.
Advantages of Videoconferencing 4. Videoconferencing accommodates a variety of different learning styles through several modalities. Videos Animations Audio Graphics Collaboration
Advantages of Videoconferencing 5. Videoconferencing affords students the opportunity to develop and improve various communication skills. Presentation and speaking skills. Communication and management skills. Questioning and interviewing skills. Oblige students to view multiple perspectives of an issue.
Advantages of Videoconferencing 6. Videoconferencing maximizes time and resources. Easier than an actual trip. No extra travel time. Presents more opportunities.
Some Final Thoughts… Be ready to explore and use these new videoconferencing opportunities to enhance student learning. TEA
Some Final Thoughts… Be prepared to devote time and thought before and after the videoconferencing activity. TEA
Some Final Thoughts… Be passionate and enthusiastic about the education of your students. TEA
Some Final Thoughts… Believe in the possibilities of videoconferencing to motivate students.
Some Final Thoughts… Be flexible, but most of all... Have Fun Learning.