2014 Religions of India Lesson Plan Date your papers: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Friday, February 21, 2014 Monday, February 24, 2014 Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Block Days: Wednesday, February 26 or Thursday, February 27, 2014 Friday, February 28, 2014 Monday, March 3, 3014
Day One: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---Read the following summary on the “River Ganga” by The British Museum and use your Geography Graphic Organizer Notes to do the prompt. Type Two Prompt: Examine why the Ganga or Ganges River is so important to India. Three Different ReasonsExplanationsEvidence 1) 2) 3)
Day One: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Class: As we learned in the last lesson, in India, the religious beliefs are tied in to the geography, history, etc…In this lesson, we will be examining FOUR of the FIVE major religions/philosophies of India---- Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. We will not be learning about Islam, as we learned about that already in the Middle East Unit in the first semester. To introduce us to Hinduism and Buddhism, Ms. Barben is going to read aloud pages in the textbook. As she does, you should be following along and making notes about the two religions in the space provided
Day One: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Groups: Formative Assessment---You will now be broken up into four groups to create a Religious Historical Caricature for the Indian religion assigned to your group. We did this for the religions of the Middle East. ACADEMIC A: MUST HAVE A TOTAL OF AT LEAST 15 DIFFERENT ASPECTS.
Day One: Thursday, February 20, Indian Religions Historical Caricature Grade Sheet Due on: A)_________________ The caricature was a detailed drawing of a central historical figure. On the person were objects and details that realistically could be on him and represent key beliefs, characteristics, and events. Must have a MINIMUM of SEVEN historical aspects addressed on the figure for ACADEMIC A since smaller groups. You CANNOT REPEAT CONCEPTS OR INFORMATION! If you do, it will not be counted. Each historical aspect is worth 6 Points for a total of 42 Points for ACADEMIC A. – Suggestions – Enlarge the face of your actual historical figure from Ms. Barben’s Powerpoint or the Internet –founders face, famous historical figure who followed the faith, a head of one of their Gods – Thought Bubbles for important beliefs, prayers, a saying, etc… for the religion – Speaking Bubbles for famous quotes or beliefs for the religion – T-Shirt Design and Slogan for important beliefs and/or practices of the religion – Items in each hand for important beliefs and impact on the religion---for example the different holy texts/books in each hand – Items under each foot for things they were against/forbidden to do under the religion – Wearing something on the head relating to important belief or practice of the religion – USE HISTORICAL IMAGES WHENEVER YOU CAN TO BE ACCURATE AND SAVE TIME – DO IN COLOR
Day One: Thursday, February 20, 2014 B)______________ In the background, there are additional supplementary images that are realistically and historically appropriate and represent additional key beliefs, characteristics, and events. Must have a Minimum of EIGHT historical aspects addressed in the background for ACADEMIC A You CANNOT REPEAT CONCEPTS OR INFORMATION! If you do, it will not be counted. Each historical aspect is worth 6 Points for a total of 48 Points for ACADEMIC A. Suggestions: – Buildings relating to the religion like place of worship and unique architectural features to the faith – Other historical figures they influenced, contradicted, or agreed with religion – Places and events related to the religion---holy cities they make pilgrimages to or played a key part of the religion’s history – Practices of the religion – Above the figure address the religion’s view of Gods, afterlife, etc.. – Places around the world that this religion is a large majority of the population – Different religion sects – These should not be random or in collage style. – USE HISTORICAL IMAGES WHENEVER YOU CAN TO BE ACCURATE AND SAVE TIME – DO IN COLOR
Day One: Thursday, February 20, 2014 C)_____________ At the bottom of the caricature, there is a detailed key explaining the symbolism. Each key description is a minimum of THREE WELL-DEVELOPED SENTENCES that contains the 5 Ws, How, Causes/Effects, and other Historical Aspects. A well-developed sentences should either define, explain, provide examples, or analyze. DO NOT WRITE SHORT OR BRIEF SENTENCES. DO NOT WRITE VAGUE OR GENERAL STATEMENTS. DO NOT JUST KEEP REPEATING OR REWORDING THE HISTORICAL INFORMATION. If you do, it will not be counted. DO NOT WRITE IN PARAGRAPH FORMAT! It makes it too hard to read and take notes from. WRITE IN BULLET FORMAT. This should be numbered and the numbers should match the images on the poster. Each is worth 6 Points for a Total of 90 Points for ACADEMIC A. You need to include specific information/facts addressing ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: – Founder of the faith and prophets of the religion? – Key historical events in the development of the religion? – What are the main religious beliefs and why? – What are the main religious practices and why? – Where do they worship? What are their places of worship like and why? – What are unique characteristics of their place of worship and why? – Cities or places of religious significance and why? – What are the divisions within the religion? Why? – Effects---short term and long term? – Use the proper historical/religious terms. This should be TYPED and in Calibri Bold Size 14 Font. It should be attached to the bottom of your poster to hang front-wise for students to read and look at the art part at the same time.
Day One: Thursday, February 20, 2014 d)__________It was done neatly, in an organized manner, labeled with the title of the religion, and the key was spell-checked and grammar-checked. If any of this is not done, it is 10% off the value. Total:/180 Points for Academic A
Day One: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Resources you will be using: You must split the different resources equally amongst the group members. My recommendations are: ONE to TWO PEOPLE---United Streaming Film Clip on Religion, Textbook Pages on Religion, and Small Part of the Powerpoint on Religion THREE PEOPLE---Photocopied Supplemental Reading on Religion TWO PEOPLE----Rest of the Powerpoint on Religion Textbook Pages: Hinduism: pages 72-73, , and Buddhism: pages 73-75, 80, , Jainism: page 287 Sikhism: pages
Day One: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Group Responsibilities: Creation of Religious Caricature: Everyone must find images and write the corresponding descriptions/annotations. Academic A: Since there are a minimum of 15 aspects, if a group is made up of 5 members, each group member must do three.
Chunking Work Day One/Homework: Friday, February 21, 2014 Split up resources and assign to group members. Watch/read and take notes in the corresponding graphic organizers. Work Day Two/Homework: Monday, February 24, 2014 Finish watching/reading and taking notes in the corresponding graphic organizer sections. Create a list of ideas for the caricature as an individual.
Chunking Work Day Three/Homework: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 As a group, go over the graphic organizer with each group member sharing information. Make sure all group members have completed notes. Create a list of ideas/rough draft for the caricature as a group. Work Day Four/Homework: Block Day Assign different group members their art and writing parts. Begin to create art part. As homework, finish typing up the corresponding written parts. Work Day Five/Homework: Friday, Febuary 28, 2014 Assemble art part. Finish typing up written part. Must have done for next class period.
Learning Station Days: Monday, March 3 and Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Class: You will have the class period to go around to all the Religious Historical Caricatures and use them as Learning Stations to complete the rest of your graphic organizer notes. Homework: Summative Assessment--- You have the Take Home Short Answer Question for the First India Unit Test. You are to compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism, like what we did in the Middle East Unit comparing and contrasting Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This is due the day of the objective test.