X2O Server Installation [Introduce yourself, ask people who they are and what their role is at Barco] Say, “Tell us about yourself: Name Function Expectations” X2O Server Installation
Intended Audience This training course is intended for IT Professionals responsible for the installation of the X2O Server platform. This course assumes you have an advanced knowledge of Microsoft Windows desktop and Web applications, as well as experience with Microsoft Server installations.
General Goals At the end of this session you will be able to: X2O Server At the end of this session you will be able to: [The bullet points load on click, one-by-one] Install the X2O Server Install related X2O Server components
Part 1: Server Installation Say, “Let's find out!”
Set Up Microsoft Windows Server X2O Server Set up the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit) machine, and configure application connectivity in Windows Firewall. [The bullet points load on click, one-by-one] Get the Latest Windows Update Enable the Remote Desktop Open Ports in Windows Firewall
Server, cont’d Install the Microsoft .NET Framework X2O Server Install the Microsoft .NET Framework Install .NET 4.5 on the Windows Server.
Install Microsoft SQL Server X2O Server Install the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 Express database on the Windows Server. [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here] Run SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe Select the Required SQL Server Features Specify the Service Accounts Set Up the SQL Server Administrators Enable the FILESTREAM Complete the SQL Server Installation
Install LibreOffice X2O Server Install LibreOffice on the Windows Server. This enables PowerPoint file conversion to the correct XPPT format by the X2O Server. [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here] Install the LibreOffice Application – Run LibO_3.6.3_Win_x86_install_multi.msi Configure DCOM Permissions
Install the X2O Server Application Install the X2O Server application on the Windows Server. [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here] Run latest release of XpresenterServer-vx.x.x.x-x64.exe Start the X2O Services Create the Database Create the Web Portal
Standby Server Installation (Failover Option) X2O Server Same process as Primary Server [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here] Run latest release of XpresenterServer-vx.x.x.x-x64.exe Start the X2O Services Create the Web Portal DON’T Create the Database - Enter the same SQL Server Address and Database Name as the primary X2O Server.
Install X2O Remote Manager App X2O Server Install the X2O Server application on the Windows Server.. [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here] Run latest release of XpresenterServer-vx.x.x.x-x64.exe Start the X2O Services Create the Database Create the Web Portal
Set Security Permissions X2O Server The account that is running the web service (typically, the Network Service account) must have access to the XpresenterServer database in SQL Server: [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here]
Set Security Permissions X2O Server The account that is running the web service (typically, the Network Service account) must have and full control permissions to the C:\Program Files\X2OMedia directory. [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here]
Install the X2O Agent and Player Files X2O Server Set up the executable files for the Agent, Player, and Desktop Player on the X2O Server. [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here] Copy the EXE Files to: Server\Install directories Build the Agent Installer for the Network through Remote Manager Import the X2O Channels and Sample Content
Set Up the Player Network X2O Server Create a network and set up the control page for the X2O players. [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here] Log in to the X2O Portal and Create Networks Import the Custom Control Page Definition Assign the Network to the Page Definition Create the Web Portal
Set Up the Player Network X2O Server The account that is running the web service (typically, the Network Service account) must have and full control permissions to the C:\Program Files\X2OMedia directory. [Objects are explained in the next slide, be sure NOT to talk about them here]
Q&A Session Questions and answers about server installation. [answer their questions and add anything you would like to clarify before moving on]