Pictures of Jesus
Historical Picture 1 This is a image of Jesus and some guy helping him carry the cross because he was badly injured by the guards and he couldn’t carry the cross so the guards got some guy to help him.
This is an image of Jesus with wings. It represents Jesus being an angel or something like that. It may also be when Jesus died an angel came and took him to heaven.
This is an image of jesus in a Kit Kat. It proves that you can find jesus almost anywhere including in food
This is jezus on the cross. He is obviously in pain because he is bleeding and he has nails in his hand. Jesus died for us and stuff
/ /AAAAAAAAAnM/f87rh4PwHO0/s400/ g&imgrefurl= 2007_12_01_archive.html&usg=__LAquAVIGh PyJa6CBvBVJ4WSfIm8=&h=374&w=392&sz=12 &hl=en&start=13&itbs=1&tbnid=ql7xiDoiXnk- jM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=123&prev=/images%3F q%3Djesus%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs% 3Disch:1 This is Jesus in sunlight. It maybe when he rose into heaven and this is an image capturing his last moments on earth.
this is a image of Jesus walking on water at the sea of galilee. He walked on water there and a lot of people saw him and believed he was the messiah
This is Jesus’ face on a piece of toast. It is funny because it is on a piece of toast
This is a picture of Jesus with a gun. It is modern because Jesus is holding a gun in it and guns are relatively modern.
This is a picture of a kid looking at Jesus who is made out of lego. It is a modern image because someone has made jesus out of lego as a statue or something and he thought he might be an amusing ideA
Image 1- Image 2-google images Image 3-goolge images Image 4-googel images Image 5-google images Image 6- Google images Image 7-googel images Image 8-google images Image 9- Google images Bibliography