Conservation & Environmental Awareness
Learning Objectives Identify the core values of Venturing that relate to conservation and environmental awareness.Identify the core values of Venturing that relate to conservation and environmental awareness. Explain how the Outdoor Code helps support the core values.Explain how the Outdoor Code helps support the core values. Tell how the 7 principles of Leave No Trace can be applied to Venturing experiences.Tell how the 7 principles of Leave No Trace can be applied to Venturing experiences. List the conservation awards available to Veuturers.List the conservation awards available to Veuturers.
Core Values Service to othersService to others LeadershipLeadership OutdoorOutdoor Personal FitnessPersonal Fitness SocialSocial Learning a SkillLearning a Skill
Outdoor Code As an American, I will do my best toAs an American, I will do my best to Be clean in my outdoor manners,Be clean in my outdoor manners, Be careful with fire,Be careful with fire, Be considerate in the outdoors, andBe considerate in the outdoors, and Be conservation-minded.Be conservation-minded.
7 Principles of Leave No Trace Plan ahead and prepare.Plan ahead and prepare. Travel and camp on durable surfaces.Travel and camp on durable surfaces. Dispose of waste properly.Dispose of waste properly. Leave what you find.Leave what you find. Minimize campfire impacts.Minimize campfire impacts. Respect wildlife.Respect wildlife. Be considerate of other visitors.Be considerate of other visitors.
Conservation Awards Ranger awardRanger award Outdoor Bronze awardOutdoor Bronze award Hornaday awardHornaday award