1 Abu Dhabi Women’s College Certified Designer Course
2 Arthur Rush Beverley Day
3 The Session Introduction to WebCT WebCT Course Overview Break WebCT Pedagogy Break Working with WebCT Session End
4 Who We Are Arthur Rush Masters: On-line Learning (June 2006) Masters: Education WebCT Certified Trainer, Senior Level Ed Tech 4 Years Beverley Day Masters: On-line and Distance Learning WebCT Certified Trainer, Senior Level Ed Tech 4 Years Who are you? Name, Department, Teaching, On-line Experience (S or T)
5 Participants Varied abilities Beginner (Target for this course) Intermediate Advanced Success Stories 1997: Official launch at ADWC Highlights from Catalogue
6 What’s it All About ? WebCT World-Wide Background Since 1996 Merger of WebCT Vancouver and Universal Learning Technology In 70 different countries Tens of thousands of users Thousands of Institutions Conferences world-wide Most recently merged with Blackboard Vista, Campus Edition and HCT WebCT stands for Web Course Tools
7 Getting Started In groups, respond to the following points 1. At which level would I place myself? 2. Why am I doing this? 3. What concerns do I have about the next 12 weeks?
8 So, what is WebCT? ?
9 What’s it All About ? WebCT is a course container 3 distinct functions Course Management applications Communication applications E-Learning applications
10 3 distinct functions Course Management Communication E-Learning Course Management Calendar Syllabus Assignments My Progress My Grades Materials Repository Surveys
11 3 distinct functions Course Management Communication E-Learning Communication applications Discussion Board Chat White Board Student Tips Calendar
12 3 distinct functions Course Management Communication E-Learning E-Learning Content Modules Discussion Board Chat White Board Quiz / Self Test Assignments
13 Integration of the of the Tools (Developed over time)
14 How Does it Work? Central Services Your Desktop Computer The Internet WebCT Central Services Your ADWC WWW
15 So, what is the WebCT Certified Designer Course? ?
16 F2f Course Introduction 1. Course Overview & requirements -Structure -Methods - Assessment 2. Working with a course Unit -Unit 1 -Student skills - Designer skills 3. WebCT & Pedagogy - WebCT tools - 7 Principles Group face-to- face sessions. (Pedagogical/ Technical) 1 Managing students 2 Student tracking 3 Manage columns 4 Single/multi mgmt 5 Backups Online Unit 1 Communications Online Unit 2 Content Online Unit 3 Assessment Online Unit 4 Course Mgmt Online Unit 5 Add tools 1 Calendar 2 Mail 3 Discussion 4 Student Presentations 5 Chat 1 URL 2 Single/Organizer 3 Content Module 4 Glossary 5 Interface & Information design 1 Self Test 2 Quizzes 3 Survey 4 Assignment 5 My Grades 1 Syllabus 2 Image database 3 Whiteboard 4 Std Home pages 5 Other Tools F2f 1 “Effective online discussions”& clinic F2f 2 “Pedagogically focused Web design” & clinic F2f 3 “Valid Assessments” & clinic F2f “Timely feedback” & clinic F2f “Course customization” & clinic” Online Discussion: 7 Principles Readings Collaborative Readings Experience/ideas Summative Posting
17 The course WebCT site
19 Individual Unit Structure Unit & Tools Introduction Unit introduction Unit Objectives & Assessment Relating to teaching Tool “A” Objectives Assessment Tasks (D & S) Tool Overview Tool support Further information Tool “B” Objectives Tool “C” Objectives
20 ToolsObjectivesTasks TeachingSupportFurther Information Unit Icons
21 Video demonstration PDF handout Web link Module link Unit Icons
22 Assessment 80% = Pass All tasks must be attempted Weightings: 20% - Communications (1) 25% - Content (2) 25% - Assessment (3) 20% - Course Management (4) 10% - Additional Tools (5) Grades available in “My Grades”
23 WebCT CD Course Overview F2F session timings Tutor Availability Communicating using WebCT Discussion group support
24 What does a Unit look like? ?
25 Examining the Course: Units Each unit has the same format Introduction: overview of all covered tools in module Unit Objectives and Assessment (document) Optional Tour of the tools Subsequent modules; one for each covered tool Final Discussion activity: unit synthesis
26 What does a Module look like?
27 Each module has the same format Objectives Assessment* What is the ______Tool? (Tool Description: overview tool) Relating the _____ Tool to teaching (pedagogy) How do I use the _____ tool? (On-line help resources) Taking it Further (Additional information and usage)
28 Tour of Site and A Module
29 How does WebCT relate to teaching? ?
30 Who are Chickering and Gamson? (and why would I care?) ?
31 Principle Details 1. Encourages Contact Between Students and Faculty Motivation and involvement Get through rough times Intellectual commitment Just-in time learning 2. Develops Reciprocity and Cooperation Among Students Collaborative and social Increases involvement Deepens understanding 7 principles of good teaching (1-2)
32 7 principles of good teaching (3-4) PrincipleDetails 3. Encourages Active Learning Talk about learning Write about it Relate it to past Apply it to their lives Experiential learning 4. Gives Prompt Feedback Opportunities to perform Reflect on learning Feedback on performance Successive Approximations
33 7 principles of good teaching (5-6) PrincipleDetails 5. Emphasizes Time on Task Effective time management Working to deadlines Professionalism 6. Communicates High Expectations Expect more / get more Self-fulfilling prophecy Make extra efforts
34 7 principles of good teaching (7) PrincipleDetails 7. Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning Different talents and styles Give opportunity to show their talents Later: push learn in new ways
35 Activity: Locate supporting tools to go with each principle With the understanding that you may not be familiar with all of the tools, attempt the following activity: Work in pairs Visit the Course Site and examine the tools Attempt to associate the tools on the site with the 7 Principles Use the course site and the handout of Tools Overview
36 PrincipleSupporting Tools 1. Encourages Contact Between Students and Faculty 2. Develops Reciprocity and Cooperation Among Students 7 principles of good teaching (1-2)
37 7 principles of good teaching (3-4) PrincipleSupporting Tools 3. Encourages Active Learning 4. Gives Prompt Feedback
38 7 principles of good teaching (5-6) PrincipleSupporting Tools 5. Emphasizes Time on Task 6. Communicates High Expectations
39 7 principles of good teaching (7) PrincipleSupporting Tools 7. Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning
40 Great, but how do I use it? ?
41 Be glad to show you, but first…
42 3 distinct views Student View Designer View TA View Let’s have a look at student and designer access! Each view has different levels of access.