P ROTECTION OF SPECIES, COMMUNITIES AND A BIOTOPE Výukový materiál EK Tvůrce: Ing. Marie Jiráková Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Milan Smejkal Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
N ATURE CONSERVATION A complex interdisciplinary discipline
I T ICLUDES : the issue of wastewater cleaning a disposal of industrial and municipal waste smoke desulphurization of the thermal power stations an enforcement of new laws as for environmental protection
E NVIRONMENTAL P ROTECTION Division: protection of species territorial protection
P ROTECTION OF SPECIES Purpuse – to prevent the extinction of any organisms The full statutory protection of species - a ban on hunting, killing, trapping, collection of st…
P ROTECTED ANIMALS Birds and mammals are especially protected in our country - for example. peregrine falcon, wild cat, rare „losers“ - European salmon Amphibians and reptiles, invertebrates - pearl oysters, crayfish, bumblebees
R ED BOOKS Lists of threatened species (their survival is unlikely) and vulnerable species (become endangered - the cause of the threat will continue) These lists are important for protecting endangered species and the possible elimination of the causes of the threat
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION important for species protection a large number of movements and organizations International Union for Conservation of Nature World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Washington convention…
R ELEASING OF ANIMALS the releasing of animals or planting plants are an important part of species protection of organisms for example. European bison, lynx, etc..
T ERRITORIAL P ROTECTION an integral part of species conservation we can not protect organisms without the protection of their environment
L ARGE PROTECTED AREAS National parks ( Krkonoše – Giant Mountains, Šumava etc.) Protected Landscape Area (PLA) Some of them were included into the UNESCO list of biosphere reserves Agriculture, forestry and tourism are restricted in these territories
S MALL PROTECTED AREAS In Bohemia and Moravia, there are more than 1,200 small protected areas – for example: national nature reserves protected sites protected parks and gardens, protected study areas, protected natural monuments and protected monuments Function - maintaining species diversity and ecological balance in nature - cultural, educational, scientific and relaxing
W ORKSHEET - R EVISION Protecting nature is a complex interdisciplinary discipline. What does it mean? How does the biological approach affect the nature protection? What is a species conservation/ protection? What is the Red Book? What is the function of small protected areas? What sort of small protected areas do you know?
S OURCES BRANIŠ, Martin. Základy ekologie a ochrany životního prostředí. 2. vyd. Praha: Informatorium, ISBN PAPÁČEK, Miroslav a kol. Zoologie. Praha: pedagogické nakladatelství, 2000, ISBN