of English The Importance Prepared by: Dipak Parikh Principal, vakal Vidyalaya, Bajuwa, Ta.&Dist.Baroda Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Origin and development of English: -More than 105 crore people speak Chinese , nearly 51 crore people speak English and Hindi stands third in the world over. - Before 10,000 years back the total population of the world was not more than 10 lakhs but at that time 15,000 languages and dialects were spoken whereas today the total population of the Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
World increased a lot and reached more than 700 crores but on the contrary only 6000 languages and dialects are spoken. -It means that nearly 60% languages and dialects are disappeared or crushed under the steam roller of English, people have forgotten their mother tongue and started speaking English. -In India in 1899 A.D. total 845 languages and dialects were spoken but after 100 years it was reduced terribly (They were- Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-nearly 325) -The original language of the Britishers were not English. The Wandering tribe namely Engels were having fighting nature. They themselves were known as Engla and language which was spoken by them as Englisc and the land on which they ruled was known as Engla land and the word became England. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-In 1362 A.D. English became the national language. -The contribution of Shakespeare was great in the development of English- literature. -Richard Mulcaster’s guide to learning, entitled Elementarie, was first published In 1582. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-It was an attempt to make the English language and culture more respected and accessible. -Until the end of the 16th century, Latin had been the traditional language of learning-English was looked down upon by scholars , and was thought good enough for popular books and plays. -By stabilizing the language, Mulcaster hoped that English would be recognized- Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-by scholars for its richness and vitality -by scholars for its richness and vitality. The Elementarie contains a list of 8000 words, none of which are accompanied by definitions, and therefore the list cannot strictly be classified as a dictionary- there was no such thing as a purely English dictionary at that time. It is, however, an attempt to start to organize the English Language. Samuel Johnson prepared good dictionary in 1755 A.D.. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-William Bullokar gave the first English Grammar in 1580 A.D. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Importance of English: - In today’s global world, the importance of English can not be denied and ignored since English is the most common language spoken everywhere. 70% programme of Television are in English, 75% posts are written in English. -The pilots are supposed to communicate in English. -With the developing technology, English Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-In our country English is important for for a number of reasons. -has been playing major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and in education. -In our country English is important for for a number of reasons. -India is a land of diversity, different people speak different languages. -In South India people prefer to speak English whereas in North India people prefer to speak Hindi. They understand- Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-English also. -So English is a link language, different people can communicate with one another with the help of English. -Secondly all advanced knowledge in science, technology and medicine is available in English. -The report of weather forecasting is also in English, the data entry of computer is also possible in English. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-The results of the latest researches come in India in English. -If we give up English, we will lag behind in the higher field of study. -Today the world has become one family. –Our parliament has also English as an official language in addition to Hindi. -English is the language of our constitution, the Supreme court, the High courts, and the other departments- Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-of our nation also. -English is now rooted in the soil of India. English has become a part of our life. English is a means not only for International commerce, it has become increasingly essential for inter-state commerce and communication. -English is available to us as a historical heritage in addition to our own language. It has great importance for the integrity- Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-of India. We accept at as a second language for the betterment or better development of India. -Some of the states of India have already started Primary Schools for teaching English(from Primary Classes). -There is a great demand for admission in English medium schools throughout the country. Many persons have fascinations for English medium schools. Many - Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-leaders who denounce English, send their own children to English medium schools. -Many of the schools in the country have English as the sole or additional medium of instruction. -We must make the best use of English to develop ourselves culturally and materially so that we can compete with the best in the world of mind and matter. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
-English language has opened the window of the world and we are supposed to take the advantage of it with the help of our first language. The End Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319
Prepared by :Dipakbhai V.Parikh-9426410319