The co-scholastic domains of Computer Education, Music, Art, Work Experience and Games at the Primary Level are fields to nurture and promote: talent, creativity, a mind set for team spirit, healthy competition and innovation. These promote education of the whole person
Parameters for Assessment Blueprint for Assessment under each co-scholastic area Formats for Assessment- Continuous and Cumulative
Identifying qualities- Ex personality traits, talent in music, dance, physical abilities, creative art Specifying behaviors/indicators of the concerned area/skill- Ex- student works, participation in school activities, interest, initiative Collection of evidence in respect of behaviour/indicators through observation and other techniques. Recording of the evidences. Analysis of the recorded evidences. Evaluating or awarding grades.
Observation checklist Awarding grades using the descriptive indicators Recording the grades in the formats given
Once a month on a continuous basis. Teacher's observe and record in the Teacher formats. Two to four students are assessed everyday thus covering the entire class over a period of one month. Grades are given twice – in September for SA1 and March SA2 Teachers are expected to submit monthly Assessment record to the HM/Sr.PRT/PPL as the case maybe.
“It is always desirable that while assigning grades in co-scholastic activities a team of two teachers including the class teacher should get together.” ( CCE MANUAL –CBSE) The class teacher spends a lot of time with the children in the primary classes and so is required to collate the grades along with the teacher taking the classes in co-scholastic areas.
KVS has outlined Descriptive Indicators for all the Scholastic and Co-scholastic areas. Teachers concerned should used it to award grades judiciously to the students. Music/ Dance Art/ Craft GamesComputer Education Personality Development
Provide ample opportunities for ALL students and encourage active involvement and participation Identify, record and promote talent by one to one interaction Involve students who do not show initiative or willingness by customizing, roles, opportunities for them.
Co-scholastic areas are important for the holistic education of students. Co-scholastic grades are used to “üpgrade” the performance of students in higher classes according to the CBSE norms The tools of assessment of co-scholastic areas are classroom observation and checklist of all the activities of the student in various areas. The Head of Primary and the Exam dept. are required make a comprehensive plan of allotting classes for assessment of co- scholastic areas where it is assigned to 2 or more PRTs
About students maybe assesses every period so as to complete one cycle of classroom assessment every month. Concerned Teacher to ensure that all students are encouraged and involved in the co-scholastic areas. The format for Teacher recording is the same for Music, Art, Craft and Games The Teacher record in the formats given has to be submitted every month to the HM/Sr.PRT/VP/PPL for continuous monitoring of CCE in co-scholastic areas.
Cumulative Grade based on the continuous assessment in Teacher Record to be given using CCE Software in SA1 and SA2 respectively (twice a year) Evidences can be recorded in Portfolios for co- scholastic areas in the form of Journals, photographs, copies of certificates, self assessment by the student, notes/remarks by the teacher etc. Traits of Personality are to be graded based on entries in the Anecdotal Record as provided in the sample in the Presentation. Therefore the Anecdotal Record serves as an evidence for grading for Personality traits.