G AP Y EARS Hope Enlow
W HY DID I CHOOSE THIS TOPIC ? When applying for college taking a gap year was one of my choices I wanted to do research to make sure that I made the right decision for me to come to college right away.
W HAT I WANTED TO LEARN If taking a gap year actually benefits students How colleges view gap years on applications The “correct” way to spend a gap year
W HAT IS A G AP Y EAR ? A break taken by a student between high school and college for various personal reasons.
W HAT SURPRISED ME ? Colleges actually view taking a gap year as a good thing, if time is spent wisely. Studies have shown that gap year students have higher GPA’s than students who jump right into college.
W HAT INTERESTED ME ? The gap year fairs Internships Traveling Opportunities Jobs
W HAT DISTURBED ME ? That a gap year isn’t a social norm
The End