Gap Year Volunteer Project By Lauren Cappie-Wood
Details about Volunteer Africa: Who they are: Volunteer Africa are a not-for-profit organisation that focus on enabling community development in Tanzania. Volunteer Africa is run by a team of committed returned volunteers. What they do: Volunteer Africa has two main aims: 1. enabling people to make a difference to the lives of rural Africans. 2. To raise funds for our partner NGO’s.
Where is Tanzania located?
Specifics of the projects on Volunteer Africa: Some of the past projects conducted through Volunteer Africa are: Mghumbu School classroom & staff houses project, 2011 Mghumbu School project 2010 Mghumbu school project 2008 and 2009 Mvae Medical staff houses project 2008 Nduru dispensary project 2008 Mvae dispensary project 2007 Mghumbu school classrooms project 2007 Matumbo dispensary project 2006 Nkuninkana classrooms & staff house 2006
Volunteers in Kimbwi, Africa.
What is the issue I am addressing? I am addressing the social justice issue of social development/physical needs through building schools and learning facilities to help children with their education.
How do you apply to volunteer? o All applications must be made using the on-line application form that is available from the website. o On completion, all applications are sent to the co-ordinator for assessment. o Next you will speak to one of the interviewers either face-to- face or over the phone. o Once your application has been approved you will be assigned to your interviewer.
References Responsible Travel Tales. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2012, from World Nomads: travel/story/67304/Kenya/Volunteer-Africa-What- to-Consider-Before-Choosing-a-Projec Volunteer Reviews. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2012, from Origional Volunteers: Volunteering Opportunities in Africa. (n.d.). Retrieved May 17, 2012, from Volunteer Africa: