Standard 5: Regional Geography: People Create Regions to Interpret Earth’s Complexity World Regional Map from: Region is a concept that is used to identify & organize areas of Earth’s surface for various purposes. A region has certain characteristics that give it a measure of cohesiveness and distinctiveness that set it apart from other regions.
Standard 5: Regional Geography: People Create Regions to Interpret Earth’s Complexity As worlds within worlds, regions can be used to simplify the whole by organizing Earth’s surface on the basis of the presence or absence of selected physical and human characteristics. As a result, regions are human constructs whose boundaries and characteristics are derived from sets of specific criteria. They can vary in scale from local to global; overlap or be mutually exclusive; exhaustively partition the entire world or capture only selected portions of it. Understanding the idea of region and the process of regionalization is fundamental to being geographically informed. Left: For the Futures Project, the South has been divided into 5 large sub-regions. These divisions are roughly based on aggregations of similar ecological units and each has separate social/cultural/economic identities as well. Map of the Sub-Regions of the South from: The Futures Project: March 30, 2009 “The US Forest Service, Southern Research Station and Southern Region, in partnership with the Southern Group of State Foresters, have launched the Southern Forest Futures Project (Futures Project). This effort builds directly on the Southern Forest Resource Assessment (2002) which identified several forces of change reshaping forests and the potential implications of these changes for economic conditions and ecological services. The Futures Project now examines how these and other emerging factors could reshape forests over the next half century and beyond. While SFRA forecasted some conditions, it focused primarily on understanding trends and conditions. The SFFP focuses now on forecasting future change and its potential implications to address the following goal: …to inform forest management choices, policy discussions, and science programs with the best possible understanding of the long term implications of changes in southern forests”
Geographers define regions in three basic ways: The first type is the formal region Political entities such as counties, states, countries, and provinces are formal regions because they are defined by a common political identity. Other formal regions include climate regions, landform regions, and economic regions. Formal regions can be defined by measures of population, per capita income, ethnic background, crop production, population density and distribution, or industrial production, or by mapping physical characteristics such as temperature, rainfall, growing season, and average date of first and last frost The map on the left shows which states voted Democrat (blue) and which voted Republican (red) in the 2008 presidential election. Although this is a ‘formal region’ for the 2008 election, it could change in the next, or any, election. 3
Types of Regions continued The second type of region is the functional region It is organized around a node or focal point A typical functional region is a metropolitan area (MA) as defined by the Bureau of Census. A functional region is linked by commuting patterns, trade flows, television and radio broadcasts, newspapers, travel for recreation and entertainment. Other functional regions include shopping regions centered on malls or supermarkets, area served by branch banks, and ports and their hinterlands. Left: The New York Subway system is an example of a ‘functional region’ 4
Third Type of Region The third type of region is the perceptual region. Human feelings and attitudes Reflects people’s mental maps Southern California, Dixie, and the upper Midwest are perceptual regions that are thought of as being spatial units, although they do not have precise borders or even commonly accepted regional characteristics and names. Map of the ‘manufacturing belt’ in the US, now commonly referred to as the ‘rust belt’ 5
Which type of map is this? Map of Physical Regions of the US from: Formal? Functional? Perceptual?
Formal? Functional? Perceptual? Left: Precipitation Map of the US Right: Temperature Map of the US
This map identifies 29 biogeographic regions in the United States. Map of Biogeographic Regions of the US from: This map identifies 29 biogeographic regions in the United States.
Formal, Functional, or Perceptual?
Census Regions Map from: http://www. eia. doe
People Create Regions to Interpret Earth’s Complexity
Map of Percent Change in Real GDP by State, 2007-2008 from:
Economic Levels in Appalachia by County Some regions, especially formal regions, tend to be stable in spatial definition, but may undergo change in character. Others, especially functional regions, may retain certain basic characteristics, but may undergo spatial redefinition over time. Yet other regions, particularly perceptual regions, are likely to vary over time in both spatial extent and character. Map of Economic Levels in Appalachia by County from: Regional change, in the context of the human spatial organization of Earth’s surface, is an area of study that provides students with opportunities to examine and learn about the complex web of demographic and economic changes that occur.
Standard 5: Regional Geography: People Create Regions to Interpret Earth’s Complexity Conclusion Through understanding the idea of region, students can apply geographic knowledge, skills, and perspectives to solving problems as immediate as making an informed decision about a neighborhood zoning issue or as long-range as predicting the reconfiguration of political and economic alliances owing to resource shortages or changes in the global ecosystem. Most importantly, studying regions enables students to synthesize their understanding of the physical and human properties of Earth’s surface at scales that range from local to global.
By Elizabeth Larson, PhD Lecturer, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University, 2010