Managing a computerised PO Operating environment 1
IT framework in PO SUCCESSFUL IT BASED OPERATIONS Application environment System environment Support systems Routine maintenance Troubleshooting Upgrades Hardware mtce Peripheral mtce Network mtce Server management Database management Security Good quality power supply UPS maintenance Generator care 2
Overview of the tasks Managing the hardware Managing the software Managing the security environment Managing the support systems 3
Managing the hardware Involves – Continuous availability of hardware and peripherals – Availability to user of the system is ensured for the time required to complete the tasks – Security to the equipments – Disaster management Protection against fire Protection against natural disasters – Suitable layout to aid smooth transaction flow 4
Availability of hardware and peripherals Routine maintenance of all equipments – Proper cleaning – Minimising unnecessary movement – All equipments are put to use continuously – Spare printers to provide redundancy Numbering the systems and other equipments and keeping the History sheet updated Equipments to be kept covered while not in use Preventive maintenance – AMC to be ensured and terms of contract to be understood – Have contact details displayed at prominent places for immediate contact 5
User – system ratio Assess the requirement for each user Plan the layout of the systems in office to ensure equitable distribution Ensure availability of system for each user according to need Ensure that no unwanted software (games etc.,) are installed to avoid misuse 6
Ensuring physical security Ensure physical security to systems both during working hours and off hours Server to be installed in a room or rack and kept locked. Entry and exit to be logged Rooms to be dust free Rooms to be properly ventilated and free from dampness Layout to ensure easy access while in use and also for troubleshooting 7
Ensuring protection Ensure systems draw power through UPS Ensure proper earthing Ensure proper insulations where required Fire protection - use materials that can fight electrical fire and show leads for use during emergency Place layout diagram with leads for fire fighting equipments in prominent place and train staff to handle emergency 8
Support systems - UPS UPS to be installed in a ventilated location inside the office – preferably not inside a room UPS vendor and AMC details to be noted prominently on the equipment for immediate contact Batteries to be numbered, date of supply and expiry to be mentioned thereon for planning replacements Adequate capacity to be ensured and capacity not to be exceeded at any cost 9
UPS continued Power for electrical fixtures not to be drawn from UPS Test the UPS periodically for committed power supply during power failures Ensure that UPS and batteries are kept dust free and are not housed in damp environment Ensure that UPS is kept charged always Ensure that UPS can protect against surge, spike and over voltage situations 10
Support system - generators Ensure that the generator meets the environment conditions Ensure that the generator is mounted on anti vibrating mountings to prevent damage to structures Ensure that sufficient diesel is available in stock always Ensure that generators are turned on immediately after power outage to prevent data loss due to unexpected shut down Ensure that diesel usage is properly monitored; Maintain a register to watch Procure the wiring diagram and keep in personal custody Perform load test once in three months 11
Managing software environment Ensure that operating system and SQL server of approved version are installed in the systems Ensure that automatic updates are turned on to keep the OS and SQL Server periodically updated Prevent spurious software from being installed in the operating environment Secure the CDs of operating system and SQL Server and preserve in safe custody personally 12
Software environment cont’d Ensure that office staff are aware of minimum troubleshooting and do not rely too much on system administrator Have a backup system administrator Have all the staff trained in all applications to ensure continuity of operations in case of turnovers Through continuous monitoring, prevent unauthorised access Ensure that all applications are updated with the latest versions and patches 13
Security issues Every user including temporary users to have personal user accounts and passwords are changed The user accounts of users who left the office are not deleted but disabled Users do not leave the systems without securing their login; Avoid bartering of user accounts Antivirus protection exists for all systems and are kept updated; Periodic scanning is scheduled 14