powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Oct Nov Dec 2011 Adult Bible Study Guide Oct Nov Dec 2011
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Carl P. Cosaert Principal Contributor
The Gospel in Galatians Contents 1 Paul: Apostle to the GentilesBackground 2 Paul’s Authority and Gospel1; 5:12 3 The Unity of the Gospel2: Justification by Faith Alone2: Old Testament Faith3: The Priority of the Promise3: The Road to Faith3: From Slaves to Heirs3:26-4:20 9 Paul’s Pastoral Appeal4: The Two Covenants4: Freedom in Christ5: Living by the Spirit5: The Gospel and the Church6: Boasting in the Cross6:11-18
The Gospel in Galatians Our Goal {167} T o reflect on our own understanding of the gospel. Allow God’s Spirit to spark a spiritual revival in our hearts as we rediscover what God has done for us in Christ.
The Gospel in Galatians Lesson 10, December 3 The Gospel in Galatians Lesson 10, December 3 The Two Covenants
Key Text Galatians 4:26 NIV B ut the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.”
The Two Covenants Initial Words {277} old covenant like Cain rely on obedience The old covenant represents those who, like Cain, mistakenly rely on their own obedience as a means of pleasing God; T he two covenants represent two different ways of trying to relate to God. in contrast, the new covenant represents those who, like Abel, rely wholly upon God’s grace to do all that He has promised.
The Two Covenants Quick Look 1. Covenant in Eden (Genesis 3:15) 2. Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12:2, 3) 3. Covenant at Sinai (Galatians 4:24-26)
The Two Covenants 1. Covenant in Eden Genesis 3:15 NKJV A nd I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”
1. Covenant in Eden LaRondelle Our Creator Redeemer 4 {280} F rom Adam to Jesus, God dealt with humanity by means of a series of covenant promises that centered on a coming Redeemer and which culminated in the Davidic covenant. To Israel in Babylonian captivity, God promised a more effective ‘new covenant’ in connection with the coming of the Davidic Messiah.”
1. Covenant in Eden Covenant Basics {278} The basic nature of the covenant was “obey and live!” Obedience was humanity’s natural inclination; yet, Adam and Eve chose to do what was not natural, and, in that act, they not only ruptured the covenant of creation, they made its terms impossible for humans now corrupted by sin.
1. Covenant in Eden Covenant Basics {278} God had to find a way to restore the relationship that Adam and Eve had lost. He did this by immediately initiating a covenant of grace based on the promise of a Savior (Gen 3:15).
The Two Covenants 2. Covenant With Abraham Genesis 12:2, 3 NKJV I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your make great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’ ”
2. Covenant With Abraham “I Will” {280} all are God’s grace T hese verses all are about God’s grace. It is God, not Abram, who makes the promises. Abram had done nothing to earn or merit God’s favor; neither is there any indication that God and Abram had somehow worked together to come up with this agreement. God does all the promising.
Abram believed, but he also had questions along the way. His faith was a growing faith. God graciously assured Abram of the certainty of His promise by formally entering into a covenant with him. God enters into a covenant with Abram to the extent to which God was willing to condescend to do so. 2. Covenant With Abraham “I Will” {280}
2. Covenant With Abraham Sarah and Hagar {282} After waiting ten years for the promised child to be born, Abram and Sarai remained childless. Concluding that God needed their help, Sarai gave Hagar to Abram as a concubine. While the plan did produce a child, it was not the child God had promised.
The Two Covenants 3. Covenant at Sinai Galatians 4:24-26 Amplified N ow all this is an allegory; these [two women] represents two covenants. One originated from Mount Sinai [where the Law was given] and bears [children destined] for slavery: this is Hagar. … But the Jerusalem above (the Messianic kingdom of Christ) is free….”
3. Covenant at Sinai Hagar and Mount Sinai {274} G od desired to share the covenant relationship with the children of Israel at Sinai that He shared with Abraham. God emphasizes what He will do for His people. He does not ask the Israelites to promise to do anything to earn His blessings; instead, they are to obey as a response to those blessings.
3. Covenant at Sinai Hagar and Mount Sinai {274} The covenant at Sinai was intended to point out the sinfulness of humanity and the remedy of God’s abundant grace, which were typified in the sanctuary services.
3. Covenant at Sinai Hagar and Mount Sinai {274} The problem with the Sinai covenant was not on God’s part but rather with the faulty promises of the people. Instead of responding to God’s promises in humility and faith, the Israelites responded with self- confidence. “ ‘All that the Lord hath spoken we will do.’ ”
3. Covenant at Sinai Hagar and Mount Sinai {274} In the same way that Abraham and Sarah tried to help God fulfill His promises, the Israelites sought to turn God’s covenant of grace into a covenant of works. Hagar symbolizes Sinai in that both reveal human attempts at salvation by works.
The Two Covenants Final Words {288} T he stories of Hagar, Ishmael, and the children of Israel at Sinai illustrate the foolishness of trying to rely upon our own efforts to accomplish what God has promised. This method of self-righteousness is referred to as the old covenant.
The Two Covenants Final Words {288} The new covenant is the everlasting covenant of grace first established with Adam and Eve after sin, renewed with Abraham, and ultimately fulfilled in Christ.