God’s Plan of Salvation (1) The Grace of God
What is Grace? Χάρις, (charis) – to show kindness to someone, with the implication of graciousness on the part of the one showing such kindness (L&N,88.66) A beneficial disposition toward someone (BDAG)
What is Grace? Χάρις, (charis) – “that which bestows or occasions pleasure, delight or causes favorable regard…subjectively, on the part of the bestower, the friendly disposition from which the kindly act proceeds, graciousness, loving-kindness, goodwill generally” (Vine’s)
What is Grace? Χάρις, (charis) – About 155 times in NT 24x as salutations, etc. 104x as “grace” Favor – 8x Thank(s) – 9x Gift, credit, commendable, benefit, gracious.
What is Grace? Χάρις, (charis) – Used in 2 senses 1) A gift from another 2) The disposition of gratitude by the receiver of the gift ( cf. 1 Timothy 1:12 )
What is Grace? Grace is NOT: Permission to sin – Rom. 6:1- 2 Based upon human performance (earned) Rom. 11:5-6, 3:23 Cheap (requires genuine obedience) Exclusive – there are many factors in our salvation!
What is Grace? Grace: Our concern is with the grace of God in our salvation. Unmerited favor Grace is God’s part in man’s salvation (that which man cannot do)
The Grace of God We ARE saved by grace! Ephesians 2:8-9 Titus 2:11
The Grace of God God WANTS us to be saved John 3:16 Titus 2:11 Romans 3: Peter 3:9 1 Timothy 2:4 He did something about it!
The Grace of God He put a plan in place 2 Timothy 1:9, according to His own purpose 1 Peter 1:10, prophets who prophesied of the grace to come Eph. 1:3-10
The Grace of God He sent Jesus to die John 3:16, Rom. 3:24 Hebrews 2:9, He tasted death “by the grace of God” Romans 5:6-8, 15
The Grace of God Jesus came by His own grace John 1: Corinthians 8:9 Hebrews 2:9
The Grace of God He revealed His will through His word 1 Corinthians 2: Peter 1:10 Ephesians 3:2-4 Acts 14:3, 20:24, 32
Grace and our Salvation We need the grace of God! Romans 3:23-24 God offered the gift of salvation – Romans 6:23, Eph. 2:5-8, Titus 2:11
Grace and our Salvation Grace does NOT dismiss our part! Obedience! Ephesians 2:8-9, “through faith” We have not earned our salvation – Eph. 2:9, Luke 17:10, Rom. 4:4, 5:20- 21
Grace and our Salvation We must remain holy Romans 6:1-2, 3-6, Titus 2:11-13
Grace and our Salvation Realize that we CAN fall from grace! 2 Corinthians 6:1 Hebrews 12:14-15 It is folly to think that just because God saves us we cannot jeopardize it through disobedience & rebellion!
Grace and our Salvation We can abuse the grace of God By seeking justification outside of His word Galatians 5:4
Grace and our Salvation We can abuse the grace of God By using God’s laws (and grace) to justify lawlessness Jude 4
Grace and our Salvation We can abuse the grace of God By willfully refusing to repent of sinful behavior Hebrews 10:26-31
God’s GRACE, is His gift to us Will we accept it? Heb. 13:9 2 Peter 3:18