Prof. Richard Christopherson
Left-right: Dr Larissa Belov, Prof Richard Christopherson, Dr Ben Crossett (SUPRU), Munther Alomari (PhD), Duthika Mallawaaratchy (PhD), Jerry Zhou (PhD), Kieran Matic (Honours), Yiping Che (PhD), Dr Kim Kaufman, Trisha Almazi (PhD) Missing: Dr Swetlana Mactier, Erin Sykes (PhD).
Colorectal cancer (CRC) Leukaemia Melanoma Glioblastoma (GBM)
Identification of proteome changes in cancer cells after treatment with a drug such as: ◦ Purine analogues (e.g., fludarabine) ◦ HSP90 inhibitors (e.g., SNX-7081) ◦ ER-stress inducers (e.g., thapsigargin) Understand mechanisms of drug action and resistance, identification of new drug targets
DotScan™ CD antibody microarrays ◦ Capture live cells and obtain a surface profile (disease signature, immunophenotype) ◦ In collaboration with major NSW hospitals, we have collected and tested many different clinical samples, including: Leukaemias Colorectal cancers Metastatic melanoma ◦ To improve disease stratification, prognostication and prediction of response to treatment
Stage III melanoma Survival analyses – prognostic biomarkers good versus poor prognosis groups with identical stage cancers Glioblastoma multiforme Serial lesions, pre and post chemotherapy, biomarkers for chemo-resistance Chronic lymphocytic Leukaemia Stable vs progressive disease course
Clinical samples and cell lines In vitro chemotherapy treatment Flow cytometry Sub-cellular proteome isolation ◦ Cytosol, nucleus, mitochondria and plasma membrane Mass Spectrometry and gel-based analyses (SUPRU) Quantitative analysis ◦ DIGE, iTRAQ, SRM and label-free methods