Classroom Rules & Procedures
Classroom Rules Classroom Rules and Policies: The following classroom rules and policies will be in effect for the entire school year (Mrs. Cline reserves the right to change the policies as deemed necessary for a positive learning environment). Please see Mrs. Cline if you have any concerns with your ability to follow these policies. The Student Handbook will be the ultimate authority for all school policies.
Be seated in your assigned seat before the bell rings to avoid being marked tardy. Bring your supplies to class daily. Follow directions the first time they are given. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise. Follow the voice level to suit the activity. Cell phones and other electronic devices will be turned off and stored away. Show respect to everyone and be a positive example for others. *Allow Mrs. Cline to teach
Consequences for breaking a rule: The severity of the behavior will determine which of the following is implemented: 1. Warning 2. Detention/Student-teacher conference 3. Parent/Guardian Contacted 4. Office referral
Homework Policy All homework will be due the day after it is assigned, unless I instruct you otherwise. All homework will be due the day after it is assigned, unless I instruct you otherwise. Late homework can be submitted no later than two days after the original due date for half-credit. Late homework can be submitted no later than two days after the original due date for half-credit. Homework will be assigned throughout the week. I will respect your weekends and not give out any homework on Fridays. Homework will be assigned throughout the week. I will respect your weekends and not give out any homework on Fridays.
Make-up Policy Make-up work will only be allowed if the student has an extraordinary circumstance and has spoken with the instructor about the situation. Make-up work will only be allowed if the student has an extraordinary circumstance and has spoken with the instructor about the situation. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the teacher of any expected absences and get the needed assignments. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the teacher of any expected absences and get the needed assignments.
Detention Policy If a student receives detention, he/she can serve detention with me by scheduling a date and time. If a student receives detention, he/she can serve detention with me by scheduling a date and time. When given the detention, the student must schedule a date and time to serve the detention. A week will be given to serve the detention. When given the detention, the student must schedule a date and time to serve the detention. A week will be given to serve the detention. Detention may be 15, 30 or 60 minute detentions. Detention may be 15, 30 or 60 minute detentions.
Consequences – If you choose to break a rule Low intensity/Teacher assigned: Low intensity/Teacher assigned: 1 st offensewarning, 30 minute detention 1 st offensewarning, 30 minute detention 2 nd offense30-60 minute detention 2 nd offense30-60 minute detention 3 rd offense60 minute detention 3 rd offense60 minute detention 4 th offenseMarriott Plan 4 th offenseMarriott Plan 5 th offenseOffice referral w/high intensity consequences. 5 th offenseOffice referral w/high intensity consequences. High intensity/Principal assigned: High intensity/Principal assigned: Detention Detention ASP ASP Friday Night School Friday Night School Marriott plan Marriott plan Suspension Suspension Expulsion Expulsion
Tardy to School Any student who enters the building after 8:15 AM and is not present in their TGA classroom is considered tardy to school and must report to the Administrative Office to sign-in and receive a note to enter class. Any student who enters the building after 8:15 AM and is not present in their TGA classroom is considered tardy to school and must report to the Administrative Office to sign-in and receive a note to enter class.
Tardy to Class Any student in the building that is not in their scheduled class or assigned seat at the time of a tardy bell for any class is considered tardy to class. Classroom teachers will maintain a class sign in log in order to keep an accurate record of student tardies and administer consequences as dictated by school policy.
Consequences of being tardy All tardies are based on a Nine (9) Week attendance period. All tardies are based on a Nine (9) Week attendance period. 1st Tardy - Warning by Classroom Teacher 1st Tardy - Warning by Classroom Teacher 2nd Tardy - ½ Hour Detention 2nd Tardy - ½ Hour Detention 3rd Tardy - ½ Hour Detention 3rd Tardy - ½ Hour Detention 4th Tardy - 1 Hour Detention 4th Tardy - 1 Hour Detention 5th Tardy – Friday Night School and Parent Notified 5th Tardy – Friday Night School and Parent Notified 6th Tardy – 1 Day ASP 6th Tardy – 1 Day ASP 7th Tardy – Administrative Referral 7th Tardy – Administrative Referral Note: Lunch Detention may be used at Administrator’s discretion. Note: Lunch Detention may be used at Administrator’s discretion.
Excused from Class Policy Students will not be excused from my class to make up work or to do special work in another class; unless it is a very special case and has had prior approval by the principal. This approval will rarely be given to any student or group of students. Every effort will be made to have students in their assigned area of study at all times.
Cell-phone, MP3 Player, and IPod Policy MCHS recognizes that student access to cell phones, mp3 players, iPads, iPods, laptop computers, and other electronic devices is commonplace in 21st Century society. However, it is imperative that students and parents alike understand there are appropriate and inappropriate times for the use of such devices. Cell phones and electronic devices may be used by students before school, during class changes, at break, and in the cafeteria during breakfast or lunch..
Cell-phone, MP3 Player, and IPod Policy Cell phones and said devices may be used during class at the teacher’s direction only for instructional purposes (i.e. researching on the Internet, Edmodo, Poll Everywhere, Poll Daddy, Remind101, etc.). Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the consequences outlined below. Failure of student to relinquish a device that is to be confiscated by a staff member is a more serious violation of school policy and will result in more severe consequences
Consequences 1st Offense – Device is confiscated, tagged/ labeled, and turned in to Administrative Office. Device will be returned to student at end of school day. 2nd Offense – Device is confiscated and parent or guardian notified to pick up device. 3rd Offense – Device is confiscated, parent or guardian notified to pick up device, and Friday Night School or ASP. 4th Offense - Device is confiscated, parent or guardian notified to pick up device, and Friday Night School and ASP. Possible Out of School Suspension.
Hall Pass Use, Permission to Leave Class and 15/15 Rule No students are permitted to leave class without teacher permission. A hall pass will be given, giving with pertinent information (such as; date, exact time, teacher’s signature and student’s name). No student should be allowed to leave the classroom or cafeteria without first signing out and obtaining a hall pass.
Hall Pass Use, Permission to Leave Class and 15/15 Rule MCHS teachers and staff will observe the 15/ 15 Rule to protect instructional time. Students may not be excused from the class during the first fifteen (15) or the last fifteen (15) minutes of any class unless in the event of an emergency. Note: Students traveling to and from the Health Unit or Media Center/ Library must have the appropriate permission slip, with date, time, and appropriate signature, in their possession during transit.
Bathroom Policy Each student will have 4 bathroom passes per nine weeks and 1 emergency pass. This means you have 5 total bathroom passes. Remember you can’t go to the bathroom the first or last 15 minutes of class. If you don’t use these bathroom passes you will get 10 extra credit points for each one you don’t use.
Film Policy From time to time a film, or film clips may be appropriate to assist with a topic we are covering. Your parents’/guardians’ signature on this document will serve as approval to view any film for the remainder of the year.
Procedures When turning in assignments, you will pass your papers to the front of the row. When turning in assignments, you will pass your papers to the front of the row. Papers without names will not be graded. Instead, they will be placed on the No Name Board. Papers without names will not be graded. Instead, they will be placed on the No Name Board. If you need a tissue, need to go to the restroom, sharpen your pencil, etc. raise your hand and ask for permission. If you need a tissue, need to go to the restroom, sharpen your pencil, etc. raise your hand and ask for permission. Do not blurt out during class. Do not blurt out during class.
Procedures If you are absent, check the Daily Make- Up Calendar on the bulletin board or my teacher website. If you are absent, check the Daily Make- Up Calendar on the bulletin board or my teacher website. If the Daily Make-Up Calendar indicates that you missed a handout, worksheet, etc. you will need to check the respective blue crate for your class and get the needed document. If the Daily Make-Up Calendar indicates that you missed a handout, worksheet, etc. you will need to check the respective blue crate for your class and get the needed document. If you do not understand the assignment, ask me or a classmate. If you do not understand the assignment, ask me or a classmate.
Rewards Praise (Daily) Praise (Daily) Positive notes sent home (Random) Positive notes sent home (Random) Preferred Activity Time (Weekly) Preferred Activity Time (Weekly) Candy (throughout the school year) Candy (throughout the school year) The joy of learning (every day of the school year) The joy of learning (every day of the school year) A happy teacher A happy teacher